coca cola
Print Your City Initiative is 3D Printing Furniture Out of Plastic Waste for Public Spaces in Greece
At this very minute, I am eating a salad I made for lunch, which is inside a plastic dish that used to hold Chinese food. My husband and I often…
Global Environment Concerns Support R&D for Plastic Recycling in 3D Printing
A recent series of major developments and events has created a new impetus for 3D printing plastic recycling. 3D printing of recycled plastics has multiple benefits, including lower costs and…
NY Students Win PTC Design Award for Leonidas, A 3D Printed Robot
When I was growing up, I had the privilege of spending great amounts of time in the summer with my grandparents. My grandfather, who had dedicated his life to science,…
Shapeways 3D Prints 500 Coca-Cola Bottles for Museum Exhibit Celebrating Design’s Centennial
I’m not a big soda fan, but when I was flying home to snowy Ohio from my remember-the-sunshine trip to south Florida last week, one of the first things I…
3D Systems, Coke & Team up For EKOCYCLE Cube 3D Printer – Uses Recycled Bottles
This year has certainly been the year in which 3D printing has inched its way into the mainstream. Another trend which has emerged this year seems to be one which…