3D Printed Dubai: Huge 3 x 2 Meter Model of the City is 3D Printed by Generation 3D
Dubai is a modern-day city which has been built up over the past several decades, thanks to the discovery of oil in the region in the late 1960s. Since then,…
Artist 3D Prints New Glass City-Shaped Shells for Hermit Crabs to Live In
Hermit crabs are squatters by nature, they salvage empty shells into which they can retract their soft, spiral shaped abdomens. Hermit crabs are popular pets and are often selected by…
San Francisco as You’ve Never Seen it Before… 3D Printed
Possibly the world’s largest 3D printed cityscape has been unveiled in San Francisco, showing the potential that 3D printed models offer city planners, architects, and real estate developers. The model…