Laser Cooked 3D Printed Chicken Tastes Good?
There are a wide variety of feedstocks for 3D printers. There’s PLA, PETG, ABS, carbon fiber, wood, stainless steel, cobalt-chrome, titanium, ceramics and the list goes on. We can now…
MeaTech to Open Plant in Belgium for 3D Printing Cultured Chicken Fat
Plenty of additive manufacturing industry firms have launched IPOs since the end of last year, like Desktop Metal, Norsk Titanium, and also MeaTech 3D Ltd., the first cell-cultured meat company to…
[Chicken] Debbie Harry Gets New Feet Thanks to 3D Printing
You may not have previously considered as your go-to to get all the latest celebrity gossip, but you might change your mind after reading this juicy tidbit that we’ve…