3D Printed Model Provides Assistance in Young Boy’s Complex Heart Surgery
When Katrina Bradley went to her doctor for an ultrasound, she was four months pregnant with her second child. Unfortunately, it was during that ultrasound that she learned that her baby…
3D Printed Heart Model Helps Cardiologist at the Heart Institute at CHLA to Create Special Stent for a Toddler
It’s almost time for Valentine’s Day, that holiday of endless hearts and flowers and even some 3D printable gifts. But February 14th is not just Valentine’s Day: it’s also the…
3D Printed Patient-Specific Heart Models Used in Complex Pediatric Surgeries in China’s Hunan Province for the First Time
Time and time again, we see the massive benefits of 3D printing in the medical world. 3D printed patient-specific models of the body’s organs can help surgeons plan out their…
The Bioprinted Cyber Patch: Saving Cardiac Patients & Offering Modern Take on Both Treatment & House Calls
As 3D printing continues to pave a new future for the medical industry—and those receiving care—personalized medicine is highlighted as one of the major benefits. Due to the customizations allowed…
According to Doctors, The Future May Include 3D Printed Parts for Hearts
Life expectancy for the average American is at an all-time high right now. Currently, that’s around 79 years, but many, many people are living longer than that. The oldest person…
3D Printed Arteries Could Help Cardiologists Better Predict and Treat Heart Disease
A clogged artery is bad news. Plaque in the major blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart can lead to heart attack or stroke – but only certain types…
3D Systems Keeps Pace With High-Tech Cardiac Care With Patient-Specific 3D Models
On Monday, 3D Systems (3DS) announced the expansion of its product lines for Cardiology Training and Surgical Planning. The company, which is a major, global provider of 3D digital design…