build your own 3d printer
iMakr Tells Us More About New Sub-$100 Entry Level 3D Printer, the STARTT
If you’re new to 3D printing, it’s hard to know what kind of printer to start with. It’s helpful, therefore, when a printer is as aptly named as the STARTT….
Materialise Partners with Velleman for New Builder Software Package, Customized to Build-Your-Own Vertex 3D Printer
Materialise’s Builder software is named because, simply, it makes building 3D models easy. I’d argue that it has an unintended meaning as well, because the Builder and Build Processor software platforms have…
ToyRep 3D Printer – Costs Under $85 to Build Using Super Cheap 28BYJ-48 Motors
When I first began covering the 3D printing space a couple years ago, the first thing I thought was, “Boy this technology will change the world”. That thought, however, was…
MakerFarm Introduces Pegasus 8″ 3D Printer Kit for Just $375
One question I often receive from our readers is whether or not it’s worth purchasing an already assembled 3D printer, or if building a machine from a more affordable kit is the…
DIY RepStrap 3D Printer Uses Wood and Glue as Its Primary Components
The other week we had a little party our house where I just happened to have two 3D printers hooked up working and churning our pieces for a recent DIY…
Designer Turi Cacciactore Built His Rostock Delta Printer Using an IKEA Furniture Closet Kit
Salvatore ‘Turi’ Cacciatore is the former head of design research at the Fiat Concept Lab and now a freelance designer, and he’s also become enamored with 3D printers and printing….
Designer Creates a DIY SLA 3D Printer for Under $30 (Minus the Projector)
Most of us are aware of the KISS principle: Keep it simple, stupid! And while simplicity is certainly a theme in many 3D printers, they are anything but stupid—and created…