An Amazing 3D Printed Robot Can Solve the Rubik’s Cube in Under 2 Seconds!
It appears that the topic of 3D printing and Rubik’s Cubes has been in the news lots lately. Just a week ago, we covered the Guinness Book of World’s Record-breaking…
Take to the Ceiling With Your Own Mini Blimp Supported by 3D Printed Parts
Anyone closely following technology already knows that 3D printed drones are all the rage. It seems that everyone has to have one these days. If you want to stay ahead…
Open Space Agency Releases First Set of Files for the Open Source, 3D Printed Ultrascope Explorer Plus
If there’s one field you wouldn’t expect to utilize crowdsourcing, it would be space exploration. However, that’s pretty much what the Open Space Agency (OSA) does. Founded by entrepreneur James Parr,…
Man Revolutionizes Tea Time with Arduino-Powered 3D Printed Tea Steeper
The topic of tea time is near and dear to my heart for a few reasons. The first is that I quit coffee several months back, which leaves me to…
You Have 19 Days Left to Enter Instructables’ Arduino All The Things! Contest
Arduino, the open source electronics platform, has software and hardware so easy to use that it inspires much in the way of creative 3D printed projects. Now it is time…
This Arduino-Powered 3D Printed BB-8 Droid is Probably the Cutest 3D Printing Project Ever
Back when a new Star Wars movie was announced it was made very clear by the filmmakers that it was important to them that they honored the aesthetic and the…
Giving Ei Chi the Hand She Needs Through 3D Printing
Most people have a hand that they heavily favor. For about ninety percent of the world, the right hand is dominant. It can sometimes seem that the weaker hand is hardly…
ShareStation3D Features Free Downloadable Functional 3D Printing Projects
Graphene 3D Lab, developer of specialty conductive filaments, has just launched a new web portal that offers users free downloadable functional 3D printing projects. ShareStation3D will allow 3D printing enthusiasts…
Say Hello to the Fully Automatic 3D Printed Skittles Sorter
This is it. It’s finally here. I am, of course, talking about a 3D printed automatic Skittles sorter. No more do you have to cancel plans or cut off ties…
Sensel Morph Allows Users to 3D Print Overlays Which Work as Platforms for Music, Gaming, Art & More
You may take an initial look at the Sensel Morph and immediately come away with the idea that it functions as a one-stop-shop platform for your devices, sort of parallel…
3D Printed Wristwatch Also Tells If You are Too Drunk to Drive
Whoever said that engineers aren’t fashion conscious clearly wasn’t thinking of David Ng, a mechanical engineer and founder of Cnaptic, a company that develops STEM-based programs using emerging technologies. Ng has…
3D Printed MrRobot Gives You Voice, Touch & Shake Control of Open Source Rapiro Robot
Previously, it would have been hard imagining devices like the topic of this article–useful products being printed layer by layer, brought into existence at the desktop, and controlled wirelessly by…
This 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Has a Video Game Built Into It!
I can not emphasize how much the entire 3D printing space has benefited by the open source nature that it has exhibited. Whether it be the open sourcing of the…
Maker 3D Prints His Own Stepper Motor
Instructables member Proto G isn’t just out there enjoying a passion for making, he’s passing it on to the rest of the community, in proffering a way not just to…
A Hot Cup of Tea Served with a 3D Printed Robotic Steeper
As Rube Goldberg knew all too well, the point of a wonderful machine isn’t that it saves you effort but lies in the very satisfaction of having created it. Not…
8-Year-Old Maker Introduces First 3D Printed Programmable Smartwatch Kit for Kids
When I was 17 and had graduated from high school, I got my first cell phone; it had the game ‘Snake’ on it, to add to the fun of my…
YouBionic On Pace for Human Trials of 3D Printed Bionic Hand By Years End
The YouBionic 3D printed prosthetic is one of those amazing innovations that we’ve had the privilege to watch evolve for some time now. Beginning as a more rudimentary concept and then…
This 3D Printed Sentry Rubber Band Gun Can Find Targets and Fire on Them Automatically
Here at, we’ve covered our fair share of 3D printed rubber band guns over the course of the past couple of years. It seems as though each and every…
This 3D Printed Ultrasonic Floating Lily Pad Repels Bugs
As I write this, in addition to wearing long pants, a long sleeve shirt, and socks, I am covered in a cocktail of mosquito repelling liquids, sprays, and creams. However, if…
Father & Son’s 3D Printed Pantograph Project
Anyone with small children will tell you that they enjoy experimenting. Sometimes those experiments are restricted to activities such as “what happens to Mom’s heart rate when I draw on…
Make this 3D Printed Laser Engraver for Just $20
The 3D printed photon printer, a micro laser engraver by Stephen Brockett, is the result of a weekend project that just kept on going, with both the fun and reward…
BBC’s Micro Bits Computer For Kids, Featuring 3D Printable Cover, Given to 1 Million UK Students
While many are quick to jump on the bandwagon against giving children access to technology despite their obvious wishes to grab on to as much of it as possible, that’s…
Meet Gilbert300, the 3D Printed Arduino-Based Hexapod
Only a few years ago makers needed to build most of their home projects almost entirely from scratch, which could often become cost prohibitive as well as requiring a very steep…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — June 13, 2015
This week’s stories we missed may produce a heavy sigh for those wondering how they can merge all of their favorite pastimes — eating potato chips, building with Legos, controlling a 3D printed robot…