3D Printing Helps To Plan Limb Surgery on a Dog
3D Printing has proved to be useful for implants and prosthetics in animals. In fact, in 2018, 3D printing gave some animals a second chance. But now 3D printers can…
Beauty and the Beak: Nonfiction Children’s Book Tells the Story of First Bald Eagle to Receive a 3D Printed Prosthetic Beak
I have always been an animal lover. In addition to the cat I had growing up, I had a myriad of caged pets as well – a hamster, fish, parakeets,…
e-NABLE is Going to the Birds: 3D Printed Prosthetic Leg for a Secretary Bird in Germany
Usually when we write about worldwide volunteer network e-NABLE, we’re sharing an inspiring story about its 3D printed prosthetics and the children who receive them, or one of the many ways…
Maggie the Dog Gets 3D Printed Leg Brace
If you’re like me, you know that the real purpose of the internet is to share stories about animals. Whether it’s teeny puppies just learning how to howl or touching…