American Museum of Natural History
3D Photomicrography Helped Identify and 3D Print Replica of Oldest Chameleon Fossil Ever Found Encased in Amber
I’m sure that we’ve all seen Jurassic Park at this point and are more than familiar with the concept of ancient creatures preserved inside of fossilized tree resin, which today we…
3D Scanning and 3D Printing Help Bring 122-Foot Titanosaur Fossil Replica to Life
Back in 2014 a farmer in Argentina found what looked like fossilized dinosaur bones, so he contacted the Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio. They sent out researchers to examine the…
Larger than Life: Leonel Moura Creates Towering 3D Printed Public Sculpture
Lisbon is a wonderful city, with a combination of old-world charm and the unique circumstances of Portugal’s history. There, you can visit tiny shops selling only custom-made hats, spend your time…
Rare ‘Pocket Shark’ Able to be Studied With 3D Printed Model
While the most famous 3D printed shark is one based on Katy Perry’s Super Bowl dance partner, fraught with legal issues as it may have been, a new shark has…