Airbus Helicopters

Airbus Helicopters Uses KASTO Bandsaw to Remove 3D Printed Metal Parts from Base Plate

3D printing is often used by companies to manufacture parts and components for helicopters, and Airbus Helicopters – part of the larger Airbus Group – is no exception. Just one…

GE News: Subsidiary AP&C Purchased New Land, GE Aviation Helping Airbus 3D Print Parts for RACER Aircraft

GE Additive‘s Canadian subsidiary, Advanced Powders & Coatings (AP&C), which produces and distributes metal powders for 3D printing, has been operating out of the Innopark Albatros in Saint-Eustache, Quebec since 2016. But last…

3D Printing News Briefs: October 20, 2018

We’re starting with some information about a couple of upcoming shows in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, followed by some business and aerospace news. Sinterit is bringing its newly launched…

Airbus Helicopters Turns to German RepRap x400 3D Printer Again for 3D Printed Component

In order to validate the design of an important new component, while also saving on development costs, Airbus Helicopters is yet again turning to industrial 3D printer manufacturer German RepRap for…

Airbus Helicopters Beginning Serial Production of 3D Printed Door Latch Shafts for A350 Passenger Aircraft

Helicopters can perform tasks that other aircraft are not able to, with applications in fields such as construction, law enforcement, military, tourism, and transportation. 3D printing parts and components for…

Airbus Unveils Thor, Their Fully 3D Printed Unmanned Test Aircraft

When it comes to nurturing and promoting advancements in 3D printing technology, very few companies have taken the initiative that the European airline manufacturer Airbus has. The aerospace manufacturer started…

Speedy 3D Printed Prototypes: German RepRap Comes Through for Airbus Helicopters Again

While a helicopter serves many purposes, one of the most common is aerial surveillance and/or video and photography. How many times have you turned on your local news and watched…

German RepRap X400 Delivers New Windshield Wiper System for Airbus Helicopters

Aircraft manufacturer Airbus is really excited about 3D printing. We’ve written several articles about their Airbus A350 XWB, which was manufactured using over 1,000 3D printed parts, and they’re continuing to experiment…