Additive Technologies Center (ATC)
RusAT Unveils Line of Lasers for Metal 3D Printing
Just on the heels of our discussion with Russia’s Rusatom – Additive Technologies (RusAT), the company has announced that, working with the All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics (VNIITF), it…
RusAT Discusses the Kickstart of Russian 3D Printing Industry
When it comes to the 3D printing industry, Russia is not necessarily considered a leader in the space. However, after a kickstart from the supply chain issues generated by the…
ROSATOM Launches its First 3D Printing Center in Moscow
Rusatom Additive Technologies (RusAT), a subsidiary of Russian nuclear technology state corporation Rosatom, launched its first Additive Technologies Center (ATC) in Moscow. The one-of-a-kind facility in Russia will be operating…