3D printed virtual reality headset

Designer Presents an Unconventional 3D Printer and a 3D Printed VR Headset

A lot happens in the 3D printing world every day, and much of it comes at the hands of makers rather than corporations. Makers aren’t just making things with 3D…

In-House 3D Printing Helps Crescent, Inc. Create New & Lightweight Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display

3D Systems has a deep connection to early 3D printing technology via inventor and founder Chuck Hull, and three decades later they are known as one of the most expansive 3D printer…

3D Printed Virtual Reality Headset Adds Appealing Form to High-Tech Function

When Shapeways designer Masaharu Ono began conceiving of his elaborate, 3D printed virtual reality (VR) headset, chances are that he didn’t find much inspiration on the web. An image search…