3d printed logo

3D Printing News Briefs, August 3, 2022: Army Aircraft, Nano Copper Inks, & More

Kicking things off in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs is a story focused on aviation, as two 3D printed cargo links represent the first U.S. Army-developed metallic 3D printed aircraft…

3D Printing Technology Hits the Road as EOS Makes Custom 3D Printed Car Parts…for Kids

When we were kids, my younger sister had one of those red Little Tikes Cozy Coupe cars, which was all well and good until you had to Fred Flintstone it…

Mcor Technologies Turns Logo into 3D Printed Bottle Opener for Hope Beer

After spending a day laboriously writing away, there’s no better way to wash away the daily troubles than with an ice cold beer. Whether it’s a craft beer or a…

More Syfy 3D Printable Models: Voodoo Manufacturing Displays at Silicon Valley Comic Con

We work hard here at 3DPrint.com, ensuring that we bring you the latest news–but let’s be honest, it’s a labor of love. It’s nice to work every day on things…

3DPhotoWorks Turns Art & Photography into a 3D Printed, Multi-Sensory Experience

3D printing has great purpose in this world. Many important things are happening. Lives are being saved. We are exploring space and taking 3D printers with us. The manufacturing world…

Hillary Clinton’s Controversial Logo is Now 3D Printable – Set to Visit Unusual Places in the US

Back in April, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton unveiled a new logo, one which has stirred up a bit of a controversy when it comes to logo design, and marketing…

CNBC Has Logo 3D Printed by Shapeways’ Designer Ryan Kittleson

3D printing seems to be making the news quite often as of late. Whether it is because of medical breakthroughs that the technology has allowed for, or the printing objects…