3d printed knee joint
Chinese Hospital Uses 3D Printed Tantalum Implant in Successful Knee Replacement Surgery
I remember years ago, when my grandfather had double knee replacement surgery, it took him a pretty long time to recover. But, thanks to 3D printing technology, the recovery time…
Metal 3D Printing Keeps Cyrano the Cat Landing on All Four Feet
Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is an industrial 3D printing process, increasingly put to use in applications such as the manufacture of car parts. But EOS recently used its DMLS technology…
3D Printed Knee Replacement Manufacturer ConforMIS (CFMS) Raises $135M As The Company Goes Public
Medical technology company ConforMIS, Inc. (NASDAQ: CFMS) has developed a knee replacement system that promises to drastically reduce both the length of the average knee replacement surgery as well as…
3D Printed Knee Replacement Surgery Enables 85-year-old Woman to Walk Again
For the past five years, Irene Griffiths has not been able to walk unaided. It’s something that faces many people as they age: her spirit simply outpaced her knees. When…