3d printed door lock
Metamaterials Create 3D Printed, PIN-Protected Door Lock at Hasso-Plattner Institute
Just a few months ago, we told you about a really interesting metamaterials project developed by a team of researchers at Germany’s Hasso-Plattner Institute (HPI). The researchers created a 3D printed working…
Learn How a Modern Door Lock Works with this 3D Printable Pin Tumbler Lock Model
The modern tumbler lock is one of the most common mechanical devices in the world, but very few people know how they really work. The design was first patented in…
Keep People Out with This 3D Printed Door Lock
When desktop 3D printing first began to catch on, the internet was filled with designs that I like to refer to as “useless pieces of garbage.” These were boring designs…
Convert Your Front Door Lock to an NFC System Using a Qduino Mini
Quin Etnyre, who goes by Qtechknow, is a 14-year-old maker and electronics enthusiast who claims as major interests Arduino, 3D printing, and embedded electronics among other things. He has now designed…