3d print speaker
Paul Ellis of Polymate3D is 3D Printing Speaker Drivers in Kit Form
I received my very first CD player as a birthday gift when I was in middle school; as it was the 90s, the system was a large, clunky boombox. As…
Designer Beer Holthuis Launched the PaperPulpPrinter that Sustainably 3D Prints Paper Waste
Designer Beer Holthuis was interested in 3D Printing but worried about all of the plastic created with 3D printers. He started to look around for a sustainable material that we…
Disney Researchers Use 3D Printing to Create Electrostatic Speakers In Any Shape Desired
We have seen a few iterations of 3D printed speakers in the last year or so, but nothing compares to the technology being developed by scientists at Disney Research, in…