Sharebot NG 3D Printers Now in 32 MediaWorld Stores, Weekend Kickoff with Demos & Displays


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logo13D printing isn’t just thriving in Italy–the marketplace is on fire, with Sharebot gaining in momentum continually. As they continue to work with Esprinet, the partnership looks to be quite positive, profitable, and beneficial to potential users in Italy who will have the option of purchasing the Sharebot NG 3D Printer at MediaWorld stores in a whopping 32 locations throughout the country.

The NG will be available through MediaWorld beginning July 25th, with Sharebot experts on hand for the kick-off that weekend, offering demonstrations to show how the NG works, and showing off and explaining the power of 3D printing to shoppers on-hand at stores in:

  • Verano and Brianza (Monza)
  • Bergamo
  • Padova
  • Modena
  • Roma
  • Palermo

143-3The NG 3D printer is a great choice for many, simply because it crosses so many user levels, offering benefit for both the hobbyist and the professional, often relying on the machinery for career projects which often center around tight deadlines. A third generation printer, it offers the high printing quality, stability, and versality required by Sharebot’s customer base, as well as being CE certified.

Whether the user is an expert or a beginner, they can look forward to the user-friendliness of a plug and play 3D printer, rather than bringing a new piece of equipment into the home or office that offers headache and confusion.

Sharebot technicians will be on hand at the store demos ready to answer questions and explain both how a 3D printer works and the importance of this technology in many different areas, professional and amateur alike. Both service and training are areas in which Sharebot is strong, with workshops being one of their strong points, along with both offerings of basic and advanced courses–all in an effort to see that users make the most of the robust 3D printing tools being offered by this dynamic and relatively new company–founded in 2013–that already works with 60 resellers in over ten countries in Europe.

With the MediaWorld deal, Sharebot will also be further highlighting their affiliation with FabLabs, as they work in partnership with their groups around Italy and create a comprehensive 3D printing ecosystem. Users will be able to look forward to the chance of stopping in at any FabLab location for tech support, as well as the opportunity to attend a variety of classes related to 3D printing and design. Each NG 3D printer box will have a list of FabLab locations enclosed inside for new users.

We’ve also been following and reporting on progress with the SnowWhite SLS 3D printer, a low-cost, unique machine that allows users to experiment and use a variety of alternative materials from sugar to nylon to graphene. Entering beta testing yesterday, limited numbers of the 3D printers will be shipped, with the actual release thought to be for next fall.

NGpageDue to the partnership with Esprinet, Sharebot has been able to give many new 3D printing enthusiasts access to their NG 3D printer, as we reported just recently. This includes the deal signed with Italy’s Pico which will allow select re-sellers to market these 3D printers which have become so popular in Italy.

Esprinet is a logical company for Sharebot to partner up with, as their area of expertise is in distributing consumer electronics in both Italy and Spain, with more than 40,000 re-sellers under their wing–and a portfolio boasting over 600 brands. Their focus is working on distributing technology for resale on the small to medium business scale.

Have you used the Sharebot NG, or will you be attending one of the demos at MediaWorld? Discuss in the Sharebot NG 3D Printers at MediaWorld forum over at

MediaWorld stores presenting the NG 3D printer are located in the following cities: Bari, Cosenza, Lecce, Palermo, Milano Nord, Milanofiori, Milano Certosa, Milano Est, Milano Città, Carugate, Bergamo, Modena, Parma, Bologna, Pescara, Cagliari, Firenze, Roma (4 stores), Castelletto Ticino, Genova, Torino (2 stores), Gallarate, Verano Brianza, Padova, Brescia, Verona, Trento, Mestre.

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