North America’s premier Additive Manufacturing Event RAPID + TCT will soon start on May 20th. You can still attend by registering here. The RAPID + TCT event will bring together 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing professionals from all over the world. Experienced folks from academia, industry, vendors and those new to the industry will come to Detroit from all over the world. Congregating at RAPID + TCT, this eclectic and well-informed group will exchange views, information, learning, and data in an unencumbered way.
The sharing starts with the Opening Event, which will take place on May 20th from 3 pm to 5 pm. This event brings together thought leaders, as well as provides practical information for attendees. Programmed by SME’s Additive Manufacturing Technical Community advisors, who are key members of the industry, you can expect to learn and be informed here.
The highlights will be:
- Opening Keynote Presentation by Carbon and Riddell
- Todd Grimm will present “What’s New at RAPID + TCT”, giving you an overview of the newest products in 3D printing and 3D scanning.
- SME’s Technical Community Advisor – Guide to the Show: Make the most of your RAPID + TCT Experience
- SME’s AM Industry Award Winners
- Opening Reception – Held immediately after the Opening Event, network with industry experts and influencers. Open to all RAPID + TCT attendees and exhibitors.
In addition to making your days at RAPID + TCT more effective with practical guides to the show, the cutting edge applications of 3D printing in sports will also be covered by Riddell and Carbon.
“I’m honored to be delivering the keynote at RAPID + TCT this year,” said Erika Berg, Head of Application Development, Carbon. “The RAPID + TCT stage is the perfect platform for reaching the most important thought leaders and industry movers in additive manufacturing. I’m excited to share how Carbon and Riddell joined teams to produce the first-ever, digitally printed helmet liner for the SpeedFlex Precision Diamond football helmet.”
Monday, May 20
Carbon and Riddell: Bringing Innovation to Head Protection
Erika Berg, Head of Application Development, Carbon & Vittorio Bologna, Research & Development Manager, Riddell
- Carbon and Riddell have partnered to bring customized, digital design innovation to head protection through Riddell’s new Diamond helmet platform.
- The new platform features a 3D printed lattice liner that is digitally manufactured using Carbon’s proprietary Digital Light Synthesis™ (DLS™) technology.
- Berg and Bologna will discuss the recent breakthroughs in software, hardware and materials that make the Diamond platform possible, including the new L1 printer and custom resin material. Berg will highlight the product development journey between Carbon and Riddell that led to this impressive new helmet.
Thought Leadership Panel Discussions
Subsequently, there will be even more time for learning with a Thought Leadership panel on each day Tuesday-Thursday. Terry Wohlers will lead a storied panel who will bring news from the frontlines of adopting Additive Manufacturing.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019 | 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Trends that Will Impact Your Future
MODERATOR: Terry Wohlers, Principal Consultant and President, Wohlers Associates, Inc.
John Dulchinos, Vice President, Digital Manufacturing, Jabil, Inc.; Cynthia Flanigan, PhD, Chief Engineer, Vehicle Research & Technology, Research and Advanced Engineering, Ford Motor Company; Donald Godfrey, Engineering Fellow – Additive Manufacturing, Honeywell Aerospace; Markus Seibold, VP Additive Manufacturing, Gas and Power, Siemens AG
- This star panel will discuss:
- The importance of design for additive manufacturing
- Justifying the cost of AM for production applications
- Challenges associated with post-processing and post-process automation
- Scaling AM technology across multiple locations
- Managing growth
- AM knowledge and skills development
- Anticipating future developments.
Another panel will see the CEO of 3D Systems, Vyomesh Joshi, discuss manufacturing productivity and the industrialization of AM.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 | 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Leveraging Additive Manufacturing for Enhanced Productivity: The Manufacturer’s Perspective
MODERATOR: Vyomesh Joshi – President and CEO, 3D Systems
- Today, new marketplace demands are pushing the industry to increase speed and agility, and competitive pressures require rapid product development and shorter production cycles.
- During this session, 3D Systems’ President and CEO, Vyomesh Joshi, will moderate a conversation with customers to explore how the industrialization of additive manufacturing is allowing their respective companies to respond to these demands.
Automotive Day Panel
The next day there will be another event that will be very relevant to Detroit. The Automotive Day on Thursday, May 23 will showcase the advancements in automotive additive manufacturing and discuss what the future holds. A key part of this is a panel hosted by ORNL’s Lonnie Love.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory has done some incredible work in developing and implementing completely new 3D printing technologies. Lonnie Love is the Group Leader at Oak Ridge in charge of Automation, Robotics and Manufacturing there will moderate a panel on the realities of Additive Manufacturing. He will be joined by panelists from Northrop Grumman, GM, Penske Racing, LIFT and the University of Michigan.
Thursday, May 23, 2019 | 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Additive Manufacturing: What’s Real, What’s Not, What’s Next
MODERATOR: Lonnie Love, PhD, Group Leader – Manufacturing Systems Research Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PANELISTS: Eric Barnes, Fellow, Additive Manufacturing, Northrop Grumman; Tyson W. Brown, PhD, Lab Group Manager, Additive Manufacturing Research, General Motors Global R&D; Matt Gimbel, Production Manager, Penske Racing; Alan Taub, PhD, LIFT Senior Technical Advisor, Professor, Material Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan
- As part of Thursday’s Automotive Day, leading subject matter experts in additive manufacturing representing the automotive and aerospace industries will join Lonnie Love for a thought leadership panel discussion in the afternoon.
- Discover how additive manufacturing can create opportunities that will drive performance and growth.
We hope that you have time in your busy schedules to come to Detroit to learn from and engage with the Additive Manufacturing industry. We wish you a warm welcome; register here.
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