Starting out with education and moving on to medical and business news…buckle your seat belts, it’s time for this week’s first edition of 3D Printing News Briefs! Keith Moore, the Vice President of HP Labs, recently spoke about 3D printing at Tufts University, and a metal 3D printing course will be held at LPW Technology, while a niche recruitment company for 3D printing has published the first whitepaper about additive manufacturing talent. Meanwhile, Amann Girrbach will integrate 3D Systems technology into its digital dental workflow, while Keynote Photonics is introducing a 4K DLP controller for higher resolution 3D printing. Finally, one of the largest 3D printers in the world is currently in a warehouse in my home state of Ohio.
HP Engineer Keith Moore Presents Lecture About 3D Printing
As part of the Engineering Dean’s Lecture series at Tufts University, engineer Keith Moore, E85, the vice president of research and development at HP Labs and a Tufts alumnus, recently visited the university’s School of Engineering to give a lecture on 3D printing, and explained how the technology is the next wave of manufacturing, revolutionizing multiple industries from medical and manufacturing to consumer goods. Moore, who holds over 35 patents, has seen for himself how seeds for new ideas are planted and grow into the marketplace, as he and his team completed research and development for the microfluidics and material science behind HP’s polymer and metal 3D printing processes. In addition to giving a brief history of HP Labs, Moore also showed off several 3D printed products, including an ID holder, arm brace, and tambourine.“Innovation is about the applications and who will use it. And it takes forever for an overnight success. It’s always a series of small innovations,” Moore said.
“You will do something fundamental, and then years later it will have changed the world…it’s often a decade to half a decade before you’ll see it in market, even in industrial research. So don’t lose hope when you have your [idea] delayed and no one is paying much attention at the beginning. It takes [time] to create that spark.”
New Metal 3D Printing Course
A new 3D printing course, called Powder Handling and Flow for Additive Manufacturing, will be particularly helpful for those in the UK who work in powder-based AM processing. The two-day course will be held from November 28-29, 2018, and again from July 2-3, 2019; the second day of each is optional. To attend only the first day, it will cost each delegate £490, and attendance for the full course will be £765, though course fees will rise in January. There are discounts available for attendees from the same company when they register at the same time.
The courses will be held at LPW Technology in Cheshire. The first day will consist of a basic introduction to the metal and plastic powders used in 3D printing, including standards, powder flow properties, and their characterization, and an overview of powder evolution and quality loss. The second day will cover in-depth quality considerations. Presenters will be Dr. Heil Narrison, the Materials Development Manager at LPW Technology; Professor Mike Bradley, the Director of the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology; and Claus Aumund-Kopp, Group Leader for AM at the Fraunhofer IFAM Institute in Bremen.
Additive Manufacturing Talent Market Whitepaper
Niche recruitment company for additive manufacturing, Alexander Daniels Global, has just published the first Additive Manufacturing Talent Market Whitepaper, which is available to purchase for €250. The 30-page whitepaper offers a lot of information, such as regional talent gaps, insights and tips into why it’s difficult to hire in the AM industry, the top in-demand positions and skills, and also how to strategically hire, and retain, top talent. The whitepaper has three sections: Hiring Trends & the War for Talent, Regional Talent Market Analysis, and Hiring Advice.
“The pace of growth in the industry is accelerating,” said Nick Pearce, the Director of Alexander Daniels Global. “Companies are competing for the same talent within a limited talent pool that is not growing in line with the demands of the industry, and the ‘War for Talent’ intensifies.”
Amann Girrbach Integrating 3D Systems’ NextDent 5100 3D Printing Solution
Full-service digital dental prosthetics supplier Amann Girrbach will soon be integrating the NextDent 5100 3D printing solution by 3D Systems into its Ceramill System digital dental workflow. The high-speed NextDent 5100, powered by 3D Systems’ proprietary Figure 4 technology, will allow Amann Girrbach to provide an expanded, integrated solution to its thousands of customers – one that combines its suite of CAD/CAM software, digital milling and testing equipment with dental-optimized 3D printing.
“With the addition of 3D Systems’ NextDent 5100 3D printing to our Ceramill System, we can offer our customers a more feature-rich digital dental workflow that will make them more competitive and efficient. For example, a dental model is an important part of the restoration process and now with the Next Dent 5100 our customers can print their own models cost-effectively without having to move outside the Ceramill workflow,” said Christian Ermer, Head of Product Management at Amann Girrbach. Amann Girrbach. “The NextDent 5100 can also produce bridges, crowns and even the full denture which dramatically lowers production costs and reduces turnaround time. This is certainly a win-win for our customers and their dental patients.”
New 4K DLP Controller for Higher Resolution 3D Printing
Keynote Photonics, which develops solutions, tools and processors for photonics applications using MEMS technologies, is introducing its new DLP controller for 3D printing and industrial display at the 2018 DLP Symposium in Germany this week. The LC4KA-EKT electronics kit supports traditional projection display solutions and industrial 3D printing and 3D measurement applications and uses Texas Instruments’ advanced DLP660TE DLP device to display full 4K-UHD resolution.
The company’s new controller was designed specifically for high-resolution 3D printing and display applications, and includes embedded firmware that can be specifically tailored for customer needs. Keynote Photonics is also offering the LC4KA-EVM – a complete projection kit – to support the engineering development of customer-specific applications.
Ohio Housing What Might Be the World’s Largest 3D Printer
If you’re wondering what a 3D printer that could possibly be the largest in the world is doing inside a warehouse in Youngstown, Ohio, it’s because that’s where Michael Garvey, the president of Center Street Technologies, lives. Garvey is from a family that began manufacturing in the area roughly 100 years ago, and partnered with Dr. Slade Gardner, his chief engineer, to start the large-scale 3D printing business in Youngstown. The massive 3D printer, which uses carbon fiber, is 12′ wide, 25′ long, and 8′ tall, and Garvey hopes that it will be 3D printing prototypes for automotive bodies by the first quarter of 2019. First, they need to finish the machine and then replicate it, and then start hiring employees to operate it.
“This completely rewrites the game as far as complex design goes…this 3D printer does printing but also does machining. So it’ll cut surfaces, it’ll smooth surfaces,” Dr. Gardner said.
“Youngstown has factory in its DNA, which means the people have the culture and the skills and the training and family heritage.”
To learn more, check out the video.
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