CoLiDo Introduces New AMSS Metal 3D Printing Technology


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We have heard a lot about the extensive line of 3D printers from CoLiDo, a subsidiary of Hong Kong print consumables company Print-Rite Holdings. Last year, the young company released its ninth 3D printer in an ongoing series, the Delta D1315. CoLiDo 3D printers offer quiet operation, easy-removal glass print platforms, and several specialty material offerings; the company even offers a 3D printing pen, in addition to its other 3D printer offerings.

But one type of 3D printer that CoLiDo did not offer is a machine that can 3D print with metal materials…until now. The company recently introduced its new AMSS (Additive Manufacturing Selective Sintering) metal 3D printing technology, and it was showcased to the public for the first time at this fall’s RemaxWorld Expo. CoLiDo began developing the technology in October 2015, and AMSS is a cost-effective way for more corporations to integrate metal 3D printing into their workflows in order to improve productivity.

The easy-to-use AMSS 3D printing process, which CoLiDo says is similar in method and speed to FDM printing, has three steps: first, the object is 3D printed using special metal filament, before the system uses high temperatures in a debinding process to remove the binder from inside the 3D printed object. Then, a sintering process compacts the object, again using high temperature, to a solid mass.

If users already have their own debinding and sintering equipment, they can use it according to CoLiDo’s parameters; however, they can also purchase the company’s recommended debinding/sintering machine.

The AMSS metal 3D printer, built out of stainless steel, weighs 100 kg, and measures 600 x 530 x 1500 mm. It features a build size of 200 x 200 x 300 mm, for builds up to 170 x 170 x 255 mm after the sintering process. Its patented nozzle design, coupled with the nozzle cleaning system, enables smooth filament extrusion, and print quality is improved thanks to constant temperature in the chamber. The printer’s filament system will stop if the filament breaks or runs out, and printing will resume automatically if the power is interrupted during a print job. The first available material is stainless steel 316L.

Additional technical specs for the CoLiDo AMSS metal 3D printer include:

  • 0.1~0.4 mm layer resolution
  • 0.011 mm XY position accuracy
  • 0.0025 mm Z position accuracy
  • 0.4 mm nozzle diameter
  • operates at 15° – 32°C
  • connects with both USB and SD card

CoLiDo’s AMSS metal 3D printer is easy to maintain, and the company says that the total cost, including operation and maintenance, is only 20% of the existing major metal 3D printing solutions, and it operates faster than them as well.

The company will be showcasing the AMSS metal 3D printer next month at CES 2018 in Las Vegas, and also plans to launch more metal 3D printing filament, such as titanium and aluminum, early in 2018. A second generation metal 3D printer is scheduled to be launched in early 2019. To get a closer look at CoLiDo’s AMSS metal 3D printing technology, visit the company at CES, January 9-12, at booth #8507, LVCC, in the North Hall. You can also pre-order the AMSS 3D printer now, with shipment beginning in Q1 of 2018.

What do you think of this new metal 3D printer? Let us know your thoughts on this and other 3D printing topics at or share in the Facebook comments below. 

[Images provided by CoLiDo]


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