More 3D Printing Resources to Come in 2018 with Training, Expert Gathering, Giveaways, Shops

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The 3D printed world, from TRUMPF, as seen at IN(3D)USTRY [Photo: Sarah Goehrke]

3D printing isn’t about us. We’re here as a resource — hopefully one among many — for you to expand your knowledge of additive manufacturing technologies and the goings-on across the industry. Our focus is on you, our community: what you want to see, what has value to you, what you want to know, how you want to participate, what you want to learn. To that end, we’ve been adjusting our offerings every so often, always keeping steady daily news coming, and adding to the platform according to feedback from the community.

In the autumn, we launched our 2017 3D Printing Survey, and we’re grateful for the many responses we’ve received already. We’ve extended the survey through the end of this year, which is fast approaching, so we’re looking forward to hearing more soon about what you’re hoping to have available. The multiple-choice survey is just a few clicks of your time, and at the end you have the opportunity to enter into a drawing for one of three $50 Amazon gift cards that we’re offering as our thanks for your feedback. We’re listening, and look forward to providing the resources you most want to see!

From the responses we’ve already received, several trends have emerged, and we’re responding to one immediately: more metal 3D printing. Starting in March, we’ll be offering 3D Printing in Metal: An Overview of Additive Manufacturing with Metals, the latest in our professionally-hosted training courses. These live, instructor-led online workshops will run on Tuesdays, 11am to 12.30pm eastern time, and available online after that time to review or watch later. While full details on speakers and sessions will be coming early in the new year, already announced is the first deep discount for early registration: through February 23rd, registration fees are only $99, taking 45% off the full course cost. Additional discounts are available for group registrations. The course description notes:

“During this three-week online course that mixes live instructor-led sessions with assignments and personalized help from a course facilitator, you will learn the key principles of metal additive manufacturing. The course will cover the process of 3D printing in metal from design through execution, highlighting key concepts, demoing tools, and modeling techniques along the way. You’ll learn about rapid prototyping and end-use production in metal, its benefits and uses, and the latest information on this up-and-coming technology that is set to transform the manufacturing industry. By the end of the course, you will have gained a deep understanding of additive manufacturing in metal – both the technology and its many uses, and will walk away with insight into how you might apply 3D printing in metal to your upcoming ventures.”

This course runs March 28th through April 10th, 2018.

In January, we’ll be hosting a live conference as well, as industry and legal experts gather in Washington, D.C., where we are co-hosting Additive Manufacturing Strategies with SmarTech Markets Publishing. The professionally-oriented summit targets 3D printing in the future of the medical and dental industries, with 38 expert speakers ready to share their direct experience as suppliers, medical providers, and legal professionals. As 3D printing continues to become a more professional enterprise, users need to be aware of legal ramifications as well as new technological developments set to enhance healthcare. The two-day event will be on January 22nd and 23rd. The early bird discounts have passed, but you can still save 8.5% on registration before January 15th to join us in D.C.

In addition to educational and professional resources, also offers opportunities for those on either end of 3D printing sales with our Shops. Looking for 3D printers, 3D scanners, filament, books, or 3D printed shoes? Find some options here. We’re also running a giveaway now that you can find through the Shops — so while you’re checking out some new material options, be sure to drop in an entry for a $50 Amazon gift card.

Looking to sell 3D printing-related products? We offer shop space upon inquiry and can get you details on setting up your own store here. Our ad team are always at the ready to keep you up to date with any opportunities you might be looking for to feature your products and services, from our Shop to sponsored giveaways to get your products into readers’ hands to on-site or in-newsletter ads or sponsored articles. Any of our packages can be customized for your needs.

As always, we look forward to the opportunity to be among your trusted resources in 3D printing. Please reach out to our team, join the discussions at and in the in-article Facebook comments, catch up with us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook — we’re here for you, and because of you.

Thank you for being part of our community in 2017. We look forward to building a brighter 2018 with your feedback.

Happy holidays and happy new year from our team at!


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