
NuVu Studio Brings 3D Printing to Classroom: Can Middle And High-School Students be Engineers?

NuVu Studio seeks to help middle- and high-school students find solutions to real-world problems using 3D printers.  Such an approach has been praised by several educators who claim that the…

Ohio High School Students 3D Bioprint Bacteria

After several years of 3D bioprinting being covered by the media, it’s quite difficult to be too surprised by new accomplishments in this quickly expanding field, but this story may…

Chinese Students in Italy Create Unique 3D Designs As Part of Class Project

3D printing is a way for people of all kinds of backgrounds, and educational levels to design a product and then actually manufacture it without the typical high costs that…

MakerBot Launches 2014 MakerBot Summer Internship Program

In the 5 years that MakerBot has been around, they have managed to become one of the top consumer level 3D printing companies in the world. They have grown from…

IAM3D Challenge 2014 Gives Mechanical Engineering Students a Chance to Win Cash

The inaugural American Society of Mechanical Engineers Innovative Additive Manufacturing 3D (IAM3d) Challenge has officially launched.  The contest, which is designed to provide mechanical engineering and multidisciplinary/engineering technology undergraduate students…