Parley for the Oceans
3D Printing Luxury Goods On-Site? Selfridges Has the Robots for That
One of London’s premier department stores on Oxford Street, Selfridges, has created the ultimate shopping experience. Thanks to 3D printing robots, the iconic store offers consumers the opportunity to order…
Adidas to Release Sneakers Created from Recycled Ocean Waste This Month
Over the last few years, 3D printing technology has increasingly been integrated into the world of fashion. One area in which it has especially proven beneficial is footwear, from high-end…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week–December 19
This week’s news covers a range of topics, from a shoe midsole 3D printed with material from ocean trash, to Onshape’s new app store that includes apps from both Pinshape and Materialise’s…