
Researchers Use PowerPoint Slide and LED Projector to Create Self-Folding 3D Origami Structures

I remember learning about Microsoft PowerPoint for the first time when I was in junior high, and since then I have used the program often; little did I know that a…

Metamaterials Create 3D Printed, PIN-Protected Door Lock at Hasso-Plattner Institute

Just a few months ago, we told you about a really interesting metamaterials project developed by a team of researchers at Germany’s Hasso-Plattner Institute (HPI). The researchers created a 3D printed working…

Researchers Invent Sound-Shaping Super-Material Using Acoustic Metamaterials

A really interesting, complex technology we’ve been hearing about more and more often is metamaterials, which are able to morph according to their environment. Metamaterials can be 3D printed, and comprise…

Harvard SEAS & Wyss Institute Researchers Experiment with Multifunctional Metamaterials

While most of us have just gotten used to the wonders of 3D printing, a number of researchers have already moved far beyond that into the realm of the fourth…

LLNL Uses 3D Printing & Lightweight Metamaterials to Solve Thermal Mismatch Issues

While you might be thinking you’ve heard it all when it comes to 3D printing, it’s generally a good idea to wait a few hours and check back with us,…

Hasso-Plattner Institute Researchers Create Metamaterial Door Latch as Example of 3D Printing Versatility

What I enjoy about 3D printing and so many of its innovations is that although we’ve certainly had a preview for decades of all sorts of magical looking futuristic inventions…

Northwestern University Research Group Uses 3D Printing to Create Terahertz Lens

The Illinois-based Northwestern University has utilized 3D printing technology to research a variety of vital applications, from 3D printing fuel cells to 4D printing materials on the nanoscale. Now, researchers…

Solving the Cocktail Party Problem with a 3D Printed Metamaterial Disc

If you have ever tried to give vocal directions to your smartphone while amidst a group of voices, you know how hard it is for a computer to accurately select…

A 3D Printhead with Single Atom Precision? Enter the Nanobeacon

A source has tipped us off to a possible precursor for an “atomic precision” 3D printhead where the interaction of tailored light with a single atom and individual nanostructures combine to…

Scientist Says Metamaterials and 3D Printing Will Lead To Invisibility Cloaks In His Lifetime

The world will get considerably more ‘transparent’ if work being done in a lab in Arizona comes to fruition. Hao Xin, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, has discovered…

Researchers Use Microstereolithography 3D Printers to Print Objects 400X’s Stronger Than Current Standards

When it comes to 3D printing, most people visualize the process on a macro scale, a scale which can be observed with the human eye. Critics of 3D printing argue…