cloud business tools
3D Printing Webinar and Virtual Event Roundup, October 17, 2020
This week is packed full of interesting webinars and virtual events covering a wide variety of topics, from EBM technology and medical devices to software and design for additive manufacturing….
MakerOS Introduces Public Autoquoter Tool for Quick and Easy Quotes on 3D Prints
It’s only been two months since the release of MakerOS 1.0, launched by Detroit startup MakerOS. Already, the company has added additional features to its cloud-based business management tool –…
MakerOS Now Offers Public Beta Launch of Cloud Business Services for 3D Printing Businesses & Makers
Artists and designers, as well as many of those in the creative realm, are known for their bravery in innovation–but they often are not singled out as business people. While…