3d printed scooter
VSHAPER 3D Printer Used in Fabrication of Underwater Scooter Prototype
Note: We originally wrote this article on a water scooter 3D printing case but a company involved has threatened us with legal action. It is unclear why they did this…
Bionic Scooter Frame 3D Printed Out of Stainless Steel Powder
Last summer, my husband and I took a vacation with his family to Tybee Island, which is about 18 miles east of Savannah, Georgia and a total of just 3.2…
3D Printed, Solar Powered Scooter Allows Commuters to “Float” to Work
If you ask city dwellers to identify their top sources of day-to-day stress, traffic will likely be high up on the list for many of them. Urban rush hour traffic…
Paolo is a Sleek, Minimalist 3D Printed Electric Scooter, Offering City Dwellers Self-Sustainability in Driving
Oh, the scooter. This is one machine the lot of us have at one time or another admired, imagining ourselves riding or owning, from the banged up city-wise model weaving in…
Bold Machines Releases Files for 3D Printable Scooter and Sidecar From Future Film ‘Margo’
Another week, another awesome model presented to us all for free by Bre Pettis and Bold Machines. If you have not been following Bold Machines’ first project, in which they…