Way back in May (seems like an eternity), we covered a New York startup company called Inventery, Inc., who had just released a new mobile, touchscreen 3D modeling application called Morphi. The app, which the company said they hoped would bring 3D modeling and printing to the masses, has received very warm receptions thus far. The ability to manipulate 3D models with a finger or two on an iPad Mini or iPad, seems like a sure way to get modeling in three dimensions into the mainstream.
Here we are, seven months later, and although there has yet to be an Android version of the app made available, Inventery has just announced Morphi Version 2 for iOS 8.0. There are several key updates that the company has rolled out in Version 2.0, including the following:
- Optional 3D model uploading to Thingiverse – Simply log into your Thingiverse account within the app, and quickly and effortlessly upload any models that you have created to their repository.
- Grid customization for 3D printers – The settings for several 3D printers are already known and available within Morphi. Simply select you printer and the correct grid will be in place for your creation.
- Draw – Quickly and easily draw with a single finger, with the option to mirror your creation. The app will then turn your 2D drawing into a 3D model instantly.
- Clipboard – An integrated Copy & Paste feature is now available.
- Better Alignment – Allows for much easier alignment of an object within a model.
- Improved Rotation – New tools allow for intuitive object rotation based on the angle you choose.
- Merge and Group – Merging and grouping two or more objects has just gotten a whole lot easier.
- Enhanced Ruler – Measurements to the hundredth of an inch make precise modeling a breeze.
- Simple Snap to Grid & Lost button – These are additional features which streamline the design and modeling process.
The Morphi application is free to download for iPad and iPad Mini users, with additional options for in-app purchases. The company has also promised us that an Android version is still in development, and is forthcoming. Additional updates will continue to be made available to expand on the functionality of the app. Look for future versions to include additional shapes, text, colors and tools.
Let us know if you have downloaded this latest version of Inventery’s app. Discuss in the Morphi 3D modeling application forum thread on 3DPB.com. Check out the video below, showing off some of the updates which have been made since the release of Morphi back in May.
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