AMS 2025

PixCap Makes 3D Design Simple… But When Will It Be 3D Printable?


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Theoretically, everyone could publish on the consumer internet from near its very inception. One just had to learn the computer language of the day. Precious few did. Years later Blogger, WordPress and other tools made it much simpler to publish online. Through templates and WYSIWYG editing, one could get the hang of it in just a few days. You were a bit restricted in your freedom but it was easy. Around 10 million people became bloggers, for a while at least. With Twitter, Facebook and MySpace billions started to publish online, all through the ability to simply post text, photos and video.

If we look at 3D design today, it is a niche activity indeed. Gaming professionals and 3D modelers are few in number. Now, PixCap is trying to do with 3D design what other tools have done for text and 2D files. The browser-based tool allows users to adapt and download 3D templates to use as they wish. With a freemium model and a subscription for those who like it, PixCap makes over a 1,000 templates available to users around the world. The hope is that graphic designers, marketing folks, and anyone really can use 3D files in their communication efforts. Rather than act as an authoring tool or a 3D design app, this is much more of a click-and-go software that democratizes 3D files.

For now, these are 3D files for use in communications and the web. But, I desperately want PixCap or someone else to do this for 3D printable files.

CGTrader, TurboSquid, and other file platforms have existed for many years now. However, their scenes and assets cater to 3D professionals. PixCap wants to be there for everyone else. With an expanding interest in 3D content from games, 3D printing, 3D scanning and the ephemeral money pit that is the metaverse, PixCap is timely. It allows users to combine objects into templates. They can also add in their own assets and edit the rest. Lighting, colors, shadows, and some pose editing is also possible.
