When comparing the two most common styles of desktop 3D printers, Cartesian and Delta, the latter has some clear advantages over the more popularly used former. Delta 3D printers generally allow for a larger build volume and are designed for speed, utilizing a Bowden extruder that is controlled by three arms placed in a triangular configuration. In order to minimize the weight of the printer head and promote faster printing, the Bowden extruder gear and motor are located in a remote location away from the nozzle. A ‘Direct’ extruder, on the other hand, contains an extruder gear and motor located right on top of the nozzle, which helps better control the extrusion and retraction of the filament, but slows down the printing process a bit.
These two styles of 3D printers are usually mutually exclusive, but the Woburn, Massachusetts-based 3D printing company DK Automations looks like they have found a way to combine the best of both extruder types into one 3D printer. In the past, we’ve seen innovative Delta 3D printers both large and small, but this new technology is one that has never been implemented before. The newly developed desktop 3D printer utilizes their patent-pending Delta Direct Extruder (DDE) technology, a direct extruder system that uses a remotely located extruder motor, keeping the printhead light while minimizing filament errors. The printer, which is called the Radik Delta 3D Printer, takes the advantages of both the Bowden and Direct extruders, while leaving all of the negatives behind. According to DK Automations, their patent-pending DDE technology is the first ‘direct extruder’ filament control system ever used on a Delta 3D printer.
The unique DDE technology ensures that there’s no friction between the filament and the all-metal hot-end printer nozzle, which is capable of reaching up to 300°C. The printer is equipped with dual nozzles, and operates with an open-source filament system, allowing users to print with any ABS, PLA, Nylon, or PVA material that they wish to use. The printer’s extruder system forces less compression and expansion on the selected filament, which leads to better control over the material, as well as the retraction and extrusion settings. The build volume of the printer is 180 x 150 mm, and the printer’s enclosure offers a temperature controlled chamber that allows the user to maintain humidity and optimize their print quality.
“Mechanical and automation systems such as 3D printers were just like true love to me, and that love has only been getting stronger,” says Daniel Kurnianto, the founder and owner of DK Automations. “Along the way I’ve learned that 3D printers can be engineered cleverly while carefully putting the right design for manufacturing to be more reliable, cost effective, and easier to maintain. My biggest hope is that this knowledge and product helps others to print high-quality parts for their businesses.”
The Radik Delta 3D printer was designed with modularity in mind, coming in four parts that are easy to assemble, including the vertical linear rail, electronic box, heated print bed, and printhead. This makes the professional-grade 3D printer, which is comprised of CNC machined parts, conveniently maintainable and maker-friendly. DK Automations has engineered the printer to be compatible with open-source Marlin firmware, as well as Simplify3D slicer software, giving users full control over the 3D printing system. According to Kurnianto, they’ve already developed two fully functional printer prototypes, and are now preparing for full-scale production. In order to accomplish this, DK Automations plans to launch an Indiegogo campaign by the year’s end.
Additional specifications for the Radik Delta 3D Printer:
- Dual Extrusion Nozzles
- FFF Technology
- Bed Leveling Assistance
- Nozzle size: 0.4mm
- Full Metal Nozzle
- Default Resolution: 150 microns
- Filament Diameter: 1.75mm
- Max nozzle temp.: 300°C
- Max bed temp.: 120°C
For those eagerly looking to keep up to date with this new Delta-style 3D printer and its upcoming crowdfunding campaign, you can subscribe to DK Automations’ mailing list. According to the startup, the crowdfunding campaign will feature the Radik Delta 3D Printer at a special price, so if you’re as intrigued by this hybridized 3D printer as I am, keep your eyes peeled for the Indiegogo launch in the coming months!
[Source: DK Automations]Summary: The Woburn, Massachusetts-based 3D printing startup DK Automations looks like they have found a way to combine the advantages of Bowden and Direct extruders into one system. The newly developed Radik Delta 3D Printer utilizes their patent-pending Delta Direct Extruder (DDE) technology, a direct extruder system that uses a remotely located extruder motor, keeping the printhead light while minimizing filament errors. The startup has already developed two prototypes of the printer, and plan to launch an Indiegogo campaign later this year to help bring the printer to full-scale production. Read more at 3DPrint.com: https://3dprint.com/146427/radik-delta-3d-printer/
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