AMS 2025

More Syfy 3D Printable Models: Voodoo Manufacturing Displays at Silicon Valley Comic Con


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syfy labsWe work hard here at, ensuring that we bring you the latest news–but let’s be honest, it’s a labor of love. It’s nice to work every day on things that are actually interesting (#humblebrag) and get to geek out on the clock. Back in my days working in industry research, I read a lot about joint ventures and all sorts of business partnerships; knowing about cooperations between big names wasn’t what I’d have called interesting then, but now every time I hear about big names in this industry coming together on projects, I get actually excited, because that typically means that something even bigger is coming along. Sometimes that bigger thing is incredible technology that will save lives, create assistive devices, improve quality of life, or creatively solve problems that have plagued inventors for some time… and other times, the partnerships just lead to something cool.

12 monkeysI’m still geeking out over the fact that Syfy has been expressing interest in 3D printing through offering models of 3D printable toys via Thingiverse. (And, ahem, if anyone out there is from Syfy, it is still my very real dream to one day act in a Syfy Original Movie.)

While my prospects of acting in one of these delightful flicks has made zero progress since I last mentioned that dream in January, I can understand that — clearly, Syfy has been busy.

At this past weekend’s Silicon Valley Comic Con, a new collection of characters and gadgets from top-notch Syfy shows debuted at Voodoo Manufacturing‘s booth. Voodoo Manufacturing has been working with Syfy to create these 3D printable models, working to design them and to optimize those designs, and has created them for events.

Are you a fan of Syfy’s 12 MonkeysHuntersThe Expanse, and/or The Magicians? Thanks to Voodoo Manufacturing, more models are available now for download, bringing some Syfy magic right to your 3D printer.

voodooWith a grand total of 25 designs available now, you can be the first on your block to show your Syfy love with your own 3D printed Hunter’s Skull, showing how very ready you are for the show’s premiere on April 11th, or craft your own Time Machine from 12 Monkeys in anticipation of season two’s premiere on April 18th. Of course you can also show your love for The MagiciansBrakebills University with your very own emblem from North America’s “premier institution for the study of magic” (est. 1763).

I might just have to have my own Syfy logo printed up soon and put it on my desk now… you know, in anticipation of my big-break-to-come. (A girl can dream… and 3D print!)

[All images courtesy Voodoo Manufacturing, provided directly to]the expanse

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