‘Tis the season for holiday sales! But which ones are the best ones? And how long do you wait to be sure you have the right deal, without spending hours in line at the big box chain just to be physically tackled by the next guy?
We may have found the solution–at least if 3D printers and filament are on your list. MatterHackers.com announced today that they will be holding their second annual Blue Friday sale on Friday, November 20th. The company will be offering 10% off sitewide plus other so-far-unannounced specials and free US shipping. No lines, no limited inventory, no hassles. Just the biggest 3D printer, 3D printing pen, filament, and accessory sale we’ve seen so far.
“We know there are people that want to get into 3D printing but are intimidated by the setup cost.” said Kevin Pope, COO of MatterHackers. “Blue Friday is a chance for beginners to jump in as well as an opportunity for us to reward our existing loyal customers.”
Where do you start? Well, MAKE: Magazine recently released their top pick for 3D printers, most of which are available at MatterHackers.com, and will be included in the 10% off promotion. Prize winners like the LulzBot TAZ 5 (Best Overall), Rostock Max (Best Value), Ultimaker 2 Extended (Best Large Format), and Printrbot Simple (Most Portable) are all on sale, as is the MatterControl Touch 3D Printer Controller, which allows you to remotely control and monitor any of the above printers without taking up your valuable desktop or laptop computer resources.
We’ve also learned that MatterHackers is the exclusive distributor of two printers unavailable anywhere else – MakeIt (a recent 3D printing tradeshow staple) and Open Beam (maker of the sturdy Kossel Pro). Good to know if you are looking to add something unique to your arsenal.
MatterHackers.com is known throughout the industry for their stellar selection of 400+ kinds of filament, so this is a great time to stock up on your favorite workhorses, but also branch out and try some of their more exotic offerings. Makers and pros alike turn to MatterHackers for metal-infused filaments like bronzeFill, copperFill, and stainless steel, as well as flexible filaments like NinjaFlex, SemiFlex, TPU, and Soft PLA. You can also try out other exotics like nylon, PET, polycarbonate, and wood-infused filaments.
In this is the season of giving, while you’re thinking of what to get for yourself (you deserve it!) remember the young makers in your life. Opportunities for discounts like this could make a huge difference for your local schools and makerspaces. As you may be seeing in your own child’s classroom, education providers are struggling to acquire enough 3D printers and filament to run crucial programs that inspire the next generation of boys and girls to bring their imaginations to life. Maybe taking advantage of holiday promotions like this one could help.
What’s on YOUR 3D printing wish list this holiday season? Seen any other sales that top this one?
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