3D Printing Added as Category For 2014 Golden Mousetrap Awards


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Every year industry experts meet to hand out awards in what has come to be known as the Golden Mousetrap Awards. The Awards celebrate ” the companies, products, and people who are energizing North American design, engineering, and manufacturing,” and any proceeds that are brought in go directly towards scholarships for high school engineering students nationwide, via First.

This year the awards are hosted by DesignNews, and UBM Canon in Anaheim, CA at the Marriott Platinum Ballroom, on Tuesday, February 11th. What makes this year so exciting, is that for the first time ever, there will be a new category for “3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping Materials, Tools & Services,” in which several finalists have already been notified and ultimately winners will be chosen. Tickets for the event, which will kick off at StratasysLogoWithTagline_CMYK5:15 PM, are absolutely free.  However there is a suggested donation of $45 per person, which will include food and beverages.

The event is being sponsored by Design news, Stratasys, Allied Electronics, First, and Mouser Electronics. Stratasys will be providing a special 3D printed award to all winners of each category. Besides the “trophy” that will be provided, winning such an award is a great way to get national recognition, as well as extensive coverage from UBM Canon’s media sources, which include Design News, Packaging Digest, and others.

Discuss this announcement here:  https://3dprintboard.com/showthread.php?1621-2014-Golden-MouseTrap-Awards-Add-3D-Printing-as-category

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