Matter and Form’s Bevel Clip Coming to Kickstarter Monday


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bevel3You may remember back about two years ago when a company called Matter and Form Inc. hit Indiegogo with a campaign to raise funding for their new MF 3D scanner. The company had a goal of raising $81,000 CAD, but greatly surpassed that by bringing in an astounding $471,082 CAD.

Original Matter and Form Scanner

Original Matter and Form Scanner

Since that time, Matter and Form has continued to develop software to go along with their very popular hardware. Cashew was launched this past spring, bringing with it a full 3D content platform and social network that has been designed to make the sharing, converting, downloading, and embedding of 3D works both fun and easy. Now, as Matter and Form tells, they plan to launch yet another crowdfunding campaign this coming Monday, July 27th for another interesting piece of hardware.

While the MF 3D Scanner is currently priced at an affordable $599.99, the next device that they are releasing carries a price tag of just $49. That product is called the Bevel Clip and it is quite impressive.  Stay tuned for more info in the coming days.

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