If you’re a 3D print designer, artist, or shop owner who uses Shapeways, you’ll be delighted to know the company has just created a way to connect with your customers that you’re sure to like – a new product widget. Most designers and artists already have their own websites, but until now, no easy way to embed their products on their site or offer them for embed on another site.
To do so essentially required those artists and designers to write their own HTML, and that was a bit unwieldy. Now Shapeways is offering a widget that makes it simple to share a shop and products outside of the Shapeways “shopiverse.” These embeddable widgets are a nice tool for sharing products and building a presence online to drive more traffic. They can be used on any website or forum that allows HTML content.
As part of the new feature, Shapeways is offering two kinds of embeddable widgets. One of them displays a complete list of an entire shop or wishlist; the other is for displaying single products.
Designers can find the code creation widget in a couple locations on the site; on the My Models page or on the Product page of an individual product beneath the “Buy Now” button. The code looks like this:
<iframe width=”625″ height=”652″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen allowtransparency src=”//www.shapeways.com/fragments/product?spin=2D5D7EFLX”></iframe>
The size of the displayed item or list can be adjusted and customized to fit a particular slot on a site, and Shapeways recommends 625 x 652, 400 x 468, 300 x 372, and 200 x 305 pixel layouts. A customizable “Buy Now” button can be, should you decide to do so, excluded by adding a “&buy=0” piece of code to end up with a widget like this:
<iframe width=”625″ height=”652″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen allowtransparency src=”//www.shapeways.com/fragments/product?spin=2D5D7EFLX&buy=0″></iframe>
Updates to the existing Shop and Favorites Widget are also included to resolve some issues users have reported in the past. Shapeways says they’re planning to add more customization options based on user feedback, and you can use their site’s feedback form to make your suggestions for improvements.
Do you plan to use the new Shapeways product embed widget on your site? Let us know in the Shapeways Product Embed Code Widget forum thread on 3DPB.com.
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