Medical and Dental 3D Printing Expertise to Highlight Upcoming Additive Manufacturing Strategies Summit


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No one in the entire world has been unaffected by a medical or dental issue at some point in their lives, however minor or serious. The medical and dental industries are ones that impact everyone’s lives, though some are lucky to be affected only marginally and occasionally. Because the need for medical care is so universal, it should be a priority to everyone to keep up to date, at the very least on a superficial level, on the latest technologies happening in the industry – after all, you never know when one of those technologies will be used to help you or someone you love.

It’s impossible to talk about technology and medicine without talking quite a bit about 3D printing. 3D printing is changing the medical and dental industries, and it’s advancing further every day. Lives are being changed and saved by 3D printed surgical models and 3D printed implants. Pharmaceutical research is being aided and advanced by 3D printed tissue. The debate continues as to whether we will be able to 3D print and implant an actual working human organ. There’s a lot of information out there, and it can be overwhelming and confusing, though undeniably exciting.

While the Internet is full of information on, well, everything, the downside is that the Internet is full of information on, well, everything, and it’s hard to know if you’re getting the best or most accurate information. That’s why it’s always best to learn about a subject from experts in person. That’s not always possible, unfortunately, but if you’re looking to learn more about 3D printing in the medical and dental industries, that’s exactly what is being offered at the upcoming Additive Manufacturing Strategies summit, which is taking place from January 22-23 in Washington, D.C.

The summit will be held at the Army & Navy Club in Washington, D.C.

The two-day collegial experience, which is being put on by and SmarTech Markets Publishing,  will feature 30 expert speakers who will discuss medical and dental 3D printing, particularly from a business and investment perspective. The summit, which is entitled “The Future of 3D Printing in Medicine and Dentistry: A Business & Investment Summit,” is geared toward managers, entrepreneurs and investors who are looking for the most profitable opportunities in 3D printed medical and dental applications. The summit will look not only at how 3D printing is affecting medicine and dentistry themselves, but how it is affecting the financial side of those industries, and how it will continue to affect them in the future.

There’s really no replacement for spending time in the company of experts, and the summit will offer attendees a chance for intensive learning from those who know their subject thoroughly, including experts from business, healthcare, academia and the investment community. Registration is open for the summit, and if you register before December 14, you can save 17% with a two-day pass for $995. Single-day passes are also available, for $725, and group rates are an option as well. If you’d like to register now, you can do so here.

The Additive Manufacturing Strategies summit is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to become more knowledgeable about 3D printing in medicine and dentistry, and about the associated business impacts. You may not be able to learn everything there is about the topic in two days, but you can make a pretty good start.

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