Structo Introduces Newest Dental-Specific 3D Printer, the DentaForm


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structo3dBack in 2015, Singapore-based dental 3D printing solutions provider Structo teamed up with Materialise, and the two developed a dedicated build processor to work exclusively with Structo’s line of industrial-grade 3D printers and patented Liquid Crystal Dynamic Mask Stereolithography (MSLA) technology; the Structo PrintWorks Build Processor software was fully launched a little over a year ago. About a month later, Structo released two new 3D printers, the OmniForm and the OrthoForm, the latter of which is a dedicated dental 3D printer. Today, the company is at the Association of Orthodontists Singapore (AOSC) Show, and has introduced its second dental-specific 3D printer, the DentaForm, which Structo is calling the world’s fastest dental model 3D printer.

structo-3d-printersAfter last year’s success with the OrthoForm, with a global presence across four countries in just a year, Structo chose to expand its application-specific 3D printer family with the DentaForm, which uses the company’s proprietary MSLA technology and is capable of highly accurate printing at 50 micrometers on both axes. The technology enjoys much higher speeds than conventional SLA 3D printers, and without compromising on print quality, is also a lower cost option as well.

structo-mold“Not all 3D printers are made the same,” Jonathan Lim, Structo’s Marketing Manager, told “When it comes to our product development, we believe it is important to develop solutions based on specific applications. There are numerous 3D printers out there today and users who incorporate a wide range of applications. Our approach to product development is to build from the ground up specifically for solving industry problems.”

structo-msla-technologyThe DentaForm was specifically designed for rapid 3D printing of precision models for die fitting in the prosthodontics area. It features a large build volume of 200 x 150 x 100 mm, and is capable of printing 30 dental mold models in less than two hours.

“We are revolutionizing digital dentistry by breaking through the speed limits of 3D printers today,” said Huub van Esbroeck, one of the founders of Structo. “The Structo DentaForm will open up a whole new range of dental applications that can now work with our lightning-fast Mask Stereolithography (MSLA) technology.”

structoThe DentaForm, while featuring a large build volume, was ergonomically designed with a small footprint, and can easily fit into workspaces. While the OrthoForm 3D printer is used to create models for night guards, clear aligners, and splints, the DentaForm is capable of printing full, precise arches and quadrants at a high throughput, making it well-suited to restorative dentistry and the creation of models for fitting bridges and crowns.

Dhruv Sahgal, Structo’s Head of Business Development and Sales, said, “Customers who have experienced the speed of MSLA through the OrthoForm have been asking for a higher resolution solution for the printing of precision models. Today we are excited and proud to bring that solution to market with the DentaForm.”

If you happen to be in Singapore through this Sunday, and want to check out just how fast and accurate the DentaForm is for yourself, you can stop by Structo’s booth A10 at the AOSC conference, at Level 4, Marina Bay Sands. Structo will also be exhibiting at next month’s International Dental Show (IDS) 2017, in Cologne, Germany. Feel free to visit the Structo booth F62 at Hall 2.1. To learn a little more about Structo’s 3D dental printing solutions and MSLA technology, check out the video below:

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