Jerusalem: Second Year Design Student Creates 3D Printed Lace for Historical Dress


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download-32Ganit Goldstein, a jewelry and fashion student at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, is showing some serious design strengths just in her second year. One can only wonder what’s ahead for the young artist as she has used not only her design skills but also those left brain, analytical skills in creating unique algorithms and mathematical equations to create, ultimately, 3D printed lace.

While she was working on an innovative way to create historical apparel, Goldstein certainly latched on to one of the most modern technologies in creating her dress. For this work, she was also lucky to have the collaborative efforts of the Hebrew University’s Institute of Chemistry behind her.

“I wanted my contemporary design to be a thematic opposite of the historical dress,” said Goldstein. “I decided to replace the Sisyphean manual lacework with 3D printing technology.”

download-33While the design student produced the designs and ideas, production of the lace materials happened thanks to the help of Professor Shlomo Magdassi’s laboratory at the Hebrew University’s Casali Institute of Applied Chemistry and the 3D Functional and Printing Center at the Hebrew University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Once Goldstein created her special algorithm, the chemistry department came in to help with the materials end.

“Simply put, we are the chemicals men,” Dr. Michael Layani explained. “Our research team and lab is responsible for creating and developing materials and substances which do not occur naturally. We then look where we can apply those substances in the real world through 3D printing.”

Dr. Layani’s center is responsible for working in numerous applications such as those of cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and fashion, and their services are also available to those outside of the university.

(Photo credit: Nitai Shanaani)

[Image: Nitai Shanaani]

“Ganit came to us with her algorithm, and then together we figured out what kind of material was best for her needs and its real world applications,” said Dr. Layani. “We then aided the process, from the very creation of the nanoparticles used for the material to the final stage of printing out the completed object.”

The 3D printed lacework, created with SOLIDWORKS and a MakerBot 3D printer, is a flexible product that’s also extremely tolerant to heat. Amazingly, it also only takes about 30 minutes to make and, with such production methods, has the potential to change both the manufacturing and availability of what has traditionally been handcrafted and treasured. Now, more will be able to enjoy lace in customized form, made quickly, and best of all–affordably.

“This project illustrates the tension between the traditional craft and contemporary technology,” Goldstein said. “In a few years’ time, it will be cheaper to print clothing and jewelry; when that happens, will the art of handcraft disappear?”

Discuss in the 3D Printed Lace forum at

[Source: The Jerusalem Post]

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