HD^2 3D Printer Seeks Funding on Kickstarter

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Kickstarter has been a hot bed for upstart 3d printing companies to launch on. We have seen literally dozens of 3D printers funded on the world’s largest crowdfunding platform in the last couple years. Today, another hd2-featinteresting 3D printer has launched on the platform.

The HD^2 high definition, heavy duty 3D printer is seeking $89,000 in funding over the next 30 days in order to go into full production. The founder of the company is a man named Ryan O’Donaghy, who has put together a team to work on this project, with a combined 30 years of electronics experience, and extensive 3D printing experience.

The basic premise for the creation of the HD^2 is that Ryan wanted to create a device which was affordable, but also had the best qualities of some of the higher priced printers on the market today, such as the Makerbot Replicator. The printer is constructed out of high grade materials and utilizes a 3-point leveling system to ensure hd2-1amazing accuracy of prints. Here are some of the key specifications of the HD^2:

  • Max Resolution: Up to 25 microns
  • Print Bed: 7.8 x 7.8 x 7.8 inches
  • Weight: 32 lbs
  • Print Material: PLA/ABS
  • Hot End: 1.75mm

They are offering early bird backers the HD^2 kit for just $1249, or the fully assembled printer for $1749. If the early bird packages sell out, than everyone else will be able to pick up a HD^2 kit for $1299 and the fully assembled version for $1799. Ryan expects the printers to begin shipping in June and July, if they are fully funded on Kickstarter.  Discuss this 3d printer at the HD^2 forum thread.

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