New IN(3D)USTRY Event in Barcelona Looks at AM Industry from the Adopters’ Angle

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in3dustryIN(3D)USTRY, a new, 3-day event taking place from June 21st to June 23rd at the captivating location of Fira Barcelona, is starting from adopters’  manufacturing needs and then moving on to explore the many different solutions offered by additive manufacturing technologies. Inviting AM adopters, rather than technology manufacturers, is a novel approach and one that the entire industry has been longing for.

“It’s a global, state-of-the-art event of the Additive & Advanced Manufacturing Industry, where visitors will discover, meet, see, touch and learn from industry experts,” says Miquel Serrano, Director of IN(3D)USTRY. “For the first time, an additive manufacturing event will provide real interaction between users and manufacturers to foster learning from the needs of today’s and future markets. This is a new event concept where Industrial End-Users present their challenges to the Additive & Advanced Manufacturing Industry in search of real and groundbreaking solutions.”

3D Printing As a Solution to Manufacturing Challenges 

The show floor will be divided into four main sections: healthcare, consumer, architecture and automotive&aerospace.

The show floor will be divided into four main sections: healthcare, consumer, architecture and automotive&aerospace.

The event, which will include both exhibition space and “TED-like” inspirational talks, will focus on four main areas where additive & advanced manufacturing can currently offer the most viable and clear solutions in terms of value chain optimization: Healthcare, Automotive & Aeronautics, Retail & Consumer Goods, Architecture & Habitat. It will do so by exploring and sharing successful use cases in each area.

“The main event will be divided into four sections. Here, companies such as Stratasys, together with the doctors and hospitals that have already started implement their solutions, will be able to showcase their solutions for the medical industry, in terms, for example, of prosthetics and implants,” says Serrano.

Another top AM adopter, car manufacturer SEAT, has also confirmed it will be among the exhibitors.

Within the Global Hub top level decision makers will be presented with the latest in terms of AM technologies and their real implementation in the production workflow. The adjacent Innovation Hub will be dedicated to sharing best practices within the Open Innovation Marketplace. Here entrepreneurs, startups and technological innovators will have the opportunity to meet leading corporations and venture capitalists.

in3dustrySmarter Manufacturing for Smarter Cities

Major companies such as HP, Stratasys and Hoffman Group will be present along with adopters such as SEAT Auto.

Major companies such as HP, Stratasys and Hoffman Group will be present, along with adopters such as SEAT Auto.

The Maker Pro area will offer participants the opportunity to participate in workshops and labs, in order to test and try first hand the future ahead for the additive and advanced manufacturing sector. This part is focused on B2C applications as a mean to explore new professional businesses for 3D printing. It will benefit from the collaboration with Tomas Diez, founder of FabLab Barcelona, the first and largest FabLab in Europe (and one of the most active worldwide in terms of exploring new approaches to manufacturing).

All these synergies will come together with the city’s own innovative push.

“There is a clear intent from the government of Catalunya to further develop Barcelona’s global leadership in terms of SmartCity concepts and applications,” Serrano explains. “This approach is particularly important in terms of creating an advanced and optimized manufacturing ecosystem through additive manufacturing technologies and we believe that IN(3D)USTRY can be the ideal starting point.”

Time is running short and enthusiasm is high. Among the main sponsors and exhibitors are some of the most high profile companies in the AM industries of today and tomorrow. These include industry leader Stratasys and the Hofmann Group, the company that produces the XLine 2000, the largest metal 3D printer on the market.

HP, which is participating as both Diamond Sponsor and Event Founder, is now close to launching its first multijet fusion 3D printer through its new 3D printing division (which is based in Barcelona). Italy’s office technology leader Olivetti, which recently entered the 3D printing areas with its own professional models, also confirmed it will be present as an exhibitor. After three years of “creative chaos”, the additive manufacturing industry of tomorrow is starting to take form, IN(3D)USTRY might be the first event where we’ll be able to really catch a full view of what awaits.

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