Andy Middleton Promoted to President of Stratasys EMEA


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As Stratasys continues expanding, extending their global reach with the technology of 3D printing far and wide, changes within their upper (and lower) echelons are inevitable, and today, looking very positive for Andy Middleton. Promoted to President of Stratasys EMEA, Middleton has been Senior VP and General Manager, Stratasys EMEA since 2013 when Stratasys and Objet Ltd joined together.

Andy Middleton has been promoted to President of Stratasys EMEA.

Andy Middleton has been promoted to President of Stratasys EMEA.

As Middleton assumes full responsibility of the European, Middle East, and Africa divisions, he will be expected to continue driving forward the successes of Stratasys as they venture further into those areas of the world. With the bar already set high by his previous achievements, Middleton will now also be handling the integration of MakerBot in that region, following a flurry of headlines regarding surprise shakeups and layoffs in the U.S.

“As Senior VP and General Manager EMEA, Andy was pivotal in leading and expanding our sales operations and in doing so, played a key role in firmly establishing Stratasys as one of the foremost global 3D printing manufacturers,” says Stratasys Chief Business Officer, Josh Claman. “With his many years’ experience in 3D printing and terrific market knowledge, we believe that Andy is perfectly equipped to drive our integration of MakerBot in EMEA and continue to generate new opportunities for our business growth.”


Andreas Langfeld is now General Manager of MakerBot Europe.

With a substantial resume in the industry behind him, years of experience, and a solid foundation forged, there shouldn’t be much question regarding this short climb up the ladder to president. With a focus on pushing the limits in innovation and the boundaries with technology, Middleton seems to have a good grip on the role that Stratasys plays in the world as a leader, and business model for other startups hoping to follow in their successful footsteps.

With the shift for Middleton to move up also comes a parallel move for Andreas Langfeld, a trusted member of senior management who will now take on the title of General Manager of MakerBot Europe. This move comes of course on the heels of Alexander Hafner’s layoff last month after his brief tenure as General Manager. It was assumed at that time that Langfeld would take over where Hafner had left off.

“As a former vice-president of finance and operations, Andreas will be the focal point in driving MakerBot Europe and will continue support us and our business growth moving forward,” says Middleton. “These are exciting times and I believe that the upcoming integration of our MakerBot business will lead to further market growth.”

Benchmark-Center-EMEAThis spring we also reported on the opening of Stratasys’ massive new EMEA headquarters, featuring a four story, 53,000 square foot facility meant to support expansion and customer service needs, as well as offering three workshop rooms for collaborations with universities and other partners.

Discuss your thoughts on the latest Stratasys/MakerBot news in the 3D Printing Corporate News forum over at


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