3-Day Online Event
June 5-7, 2018
Expert speaker sessions, presented live via webcast, 2:00pm – 3:45pm Eastern Time each day
All sessions are recorded and available afterward for on-demand viewing
Course Description
Learn the latest innovations in additive manufacturing in various industries; plus a look at generative design and metal manufacturing in this showcase of the most important trends in 3D printing.
Get deep insights into the latest advancements in 3D printing in this 3-day online event. Join 7 expert guest speaker sessions, presented live via webcast, with insights into a rapidly growing industries forever changed by innovations in 3D printing and additive manufacturing. All sessions are recorded for on-demand access later on.
Hear from leading innovators at Materialise Software, Formalloy, Autodesk, and other companies reshaping the way we envision manufacturing.
- Participate in 7 live guest speaker sessions, with insights into rapidly growing industries (archived for on-demand access later on)
- Ask your questions during live audience Q&A sessions
- Join ongoing discussion threads and break-out groups based on topic categories
To be considered for the speaker program, please nominate a colleague, company, project or yourself here.
All sessions are recorded and archived so you can watch any time.
No travel required!
Bonus: Register early and get immediate access to archival video recordings from related courses.
Course Schedule
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Session 1
2:00pm – 2:45pm EST
Session 2
2:45pm – 3:30pm EST
Speaker: Ir. Manuel Michiels
Business Development, Innovations
Materialise Software
Session 1 – Opening Keynote: Software Innovations to Increase Productivity in Metal AM
This session will approach one of the main challenges to raise productivity in Metal AM: support structures generation and removal. According to the last Wohlers report from 2018, companies in Germany estimate that 70% of the cost of a metal AM part comes from pre and-post processing. And a large part of the post-processing can be in the removal of support material. Manuel Michiels, innovation business developer from Materialise will present e-Stage for Metal, an innovative software that increases cost-efficiencies up to 90% in the metal production workflow. Further, he will talk about how the industry is evolving to increase the accuracy, traceability and repeatability necessary to enter mass manufacturing environments. Manuel will also briefly discuss some big-picture analysis and context to show the possibilities this innovation has for the manufacturing industry.
Speaker: Salvador Richter
Independent 3D Maker, 3D Designer
3D Engineer and 3D Instructor
Session 2 – The Democratization of 3D Printing Technology
The great hope for 3D printing is that it would be level the playing field, disrupt various manufacturing industries, and redistribute the economic and geographical supply chains. But has this happened? And how far does it have the potential to go? In this session, Salvador Richter, an expert in coding in OpenSCAD (software for creating solid 3D CAD objects), will examine the lessons learned from the way technology has evolved in the past two decades and how he believes 3D printing is likely to follow a parallel path. A key factor he’ll explore: The widespread availability of 3D printing technology and the pricing developments of printers and materials that are driving disruptive change. Curious about copyright and designer rewards? He’ll cover that too!
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Session 1
2:00pm – 2:30pm EST
Session 2
2:30pm – 2:45pm EST
Session 3
2:45pm – 3:30pm EST
Speaker: Melanie Lang
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Session 1 – Formalloy Demo & Showcase: How Directed Energy Deposition with Short-Wavelength Laser Can Transform The Aerospace Industry
Melanie Lang, Formalloy Co-Founder and Managing Director, is motivated by developing a disruptive technology that delivers the future we could have previously only imagined – geometrically complex components made from exotic materials at cost-effective prices with reasonable lead times. Her expertise is in aerospace and defense, and in this demo session, she will share how copper alloys that can be built on a large-scale are of great interest to the commercial space sector for use as combustion chambers, nozzles and heat exchangers for boost and upper-stage engines and nuclear thermal propulsion systems.
She’ll showcase the metal additive manufacturing system designed and manufactured by Formalloy that integrates a short-wavelength, high absorption laser for alloys that are difficult to process with more traditional infrared (IR) lasers.
Speaker: Tim Ruffner
Commercial Sales Channel Manager – Mid-West Region
Desktop Metal
Session 2 – Sales Focus: Understanding the Applications for 3D Printed Metal Parts and How to Sell or Innovate With Them
Too many people talk about metal printing, but nobody talks about how to sell it or what applications sell the most for what systems — pivotal details that are required for transformation. In this session, Desktop Metal’s Tim Ruffner will discuss how to sell metal printing systems and how to advise clients on the right applications for individual scenarios.
Metal Additive Manufacturing is poised to transform the manufacturing industry by making it easier than ever to produce metal parts and pieces. As speaker Tim Ruffner explains: “There are metal additive systems coming out that can truly change the way we look at manufacturing. By saving upfront tool costs, having to order MOQ’s [that’s Minimum Order Quantities] and stock you are able to print on demand as needed. Think about it, you can have a metal printing machine print as you need parts and ship the next day. What if you can reduce lead times by months, how many other jobs can you take on during this time? If you were to save 3 months of lead time on a tool, not to mention samples and tool changes, that could possibly be a multi million dollar deal to take during that time. That alone can pay for any metals system.”
Speakers: Pete Weijmarshausen
Co-founder, Beheld 3D
Co-founder and former CEO, Shapeways
Speakers: Kat Kinkead
Co-founder and CEO
Beheld 3D
Session 3 – When Will 3D Printing Hit the Mainstream Consumer?
This review of the rise of 3D printing in recent years will also examine some of the challenges the industry still faces in order to make the technology more accessible and relevant to the everyday consumer. Based on their experience creating a 3D photo booth, the cofounders of Beheld 3D will touch on some of the applications such as jewelry, fashion, and home goods that have the potential to bring 3D printing into the lives of everyday people — and they’ll speculate on when we can expect to see the change.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Session 1
2:00pm – 2:45pm EST
Session 2
2:45pm – 3:30pm EST
Speaker: Daniel Soltan
Ph.D., Office of Technology Transfer
University of Michigan
Session 1 – Innovation in Construction: How Building-Scale 3D Printing Is At a Pivotal Moment in the Construction Industry
Building-scale 3D printing has promised the construction industry improved efficiency, improved safety, and reduction of waste. However, building-scale 3D printing, to this point, has been limited by its use of the same problematic building material used in traditional construction methods: brittle concrete. For structural integrity, printable concretes still require placement of extra reinforcement within printed structures, which is antithetical to the bottom-up 3D printing paradigm and limits the benefits the process can actually offer compared to those traditional building methods. Stuck with the same material and same degradation mechanisms, even 3D printed structures will continue to be stuck with the same types of forms used in concrete casting and their associated inefficiencies and issues. Daniel Soltan, a materials development researcher focusing on structural and infrastructural applications, will share his findings on how printable, strain-hardening cementitious composites, also called “self-reinforced, printable cementitious composites”, can redefine the building-scale 3D printing industry at the pivotal moment in development at which the industry currently finds itself. A paradigm shift in how we select and design the materials with which we print, can offer building-scale 3D printing a chance to fully realize the list of advantages it has long promised to the construction industry.
Speaker: Rob Cohee
Sr. Manager, Manufacturing Technical Marketing & Adoption
Session 2 – What’s all the Hype about Generative Design?
Generative design mimics nature’s evolutionary approach to design. Designers and engineers input design goals — along with parameters such as materials, manufacturing methods, and cost constraints — and generative design technology explores all the possible permutations of a solution, quickly generating design alternatives. You choose the design that best fits your needs.
Learn how some of the world’s most innovative companies are using generative design with additive manufacturing to solve engineering challenges and come up with design solutions that the human mind could never conceive.
Register in groups for a unique team-building experience and get everyone working together. Contact us to learn more.
Prior Online Course Testimonials
Lamees Qasem
Erin Casson
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