If you are looking for a big project, look no further than the My Mini Factory ‘Scan the World’ travel competition. The creators of My Mini Factory have issued a call to all of those with Jack Kerouac or Paul Thoreaux in their souls. They are searching for a person whose boots were made for walking…and walking…and walking, and who will scan the sculptures on their journey and document the travel experience. All they ask in return for an entry into the contest is 40 – 50 images of a sculpture and a 200 word description of where you would like to travel and what you plan to scan. If it’s compelling enough, they’ll pick up the tab for your travel.
Their call is meant to reach the ears of all who dream of,
“[B]ecoming the new Carmen Scandiego, a Scandiana Jones, Luke Scanwalker, a Crash Scandicoot, Lord Scandemort, Scangeline Jolie, Scan Pitt, Julie Scandrews, Scandalf the Grey, Scannibal Lecter, or an Obi Wan Scanobi.”
At least there was no call for a Scannah Montana or any variation thereof.
My Mini Factory was launched in 2013 as a free library of 3D printable objects. In addition to the downloadable files, complete with how-to directions for getting the best prints, you can also earn credits by giving them feedback on the files or send a file of your own creation to be printed. They are hoping to greatly expand the files they have available for download through the entries received for this contest.
This initiative follows on the announcement of their Scan the World initiative which they recognized from the beginning was not something that they could accomplish without the help of a great many others. As part of the launch of the competition, they wrote:
“We’re very much aware that our team would not be able to scan all the worlds’ iconic sculptures, statues, and landmarks on their own, so we’ve come up with a far reaching solution to this problem. We are asking members of the public to help us; to go out and scan their world, to aid us in the creation of this massive, free, resource. We want this to be a global initiative! We want the participation of enthusiasts around the world to be an integral part of its completion, and as such, we need you to help!”
Anyone with a decent quality camera can participate, simply send the team an email and let them know that you would like to participate and what it is that you plan to scan. They have an exhaustive tutorial on their website regarding the best way to take the necessary photographs. They have even agreed to send each person a print of their scan as a way of saying thank you for the help.
I have to admit, it’s almost hard for me to finish writing this article, I just can’t wait to get out and start scanning in the hopes that the next time you hear from me, I’ll be ensconced in the travel adventure of a lifetime! Have you decided to enter this contest and participate? Let us know in the Scan the World Forum thread on 3DPB.com.
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