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America’s Solar Revolution Will Be 3D Printed

( PRO is available only to subscribers)

Alongside and interdependent to the AI-driven growth of the semiconductor sector, the industries supporting the energy transition will collectively offer the most promising investment opportunity for at least a generation. Now, while the “the energy transition” is useful shorthand, the straightforwardness of the phrase can also paper over what is a global, society-wide project of unprecedented complexity.

One of the primary elements that gets obfuscated is the plurality of the overall process: decarbonization may be a commonality among all the individual pieces, but the form that decarbonization can take is almost infinitely diverse. In this sense, there’s not so much going to be “an” energy transition but many transitions, which will vary from case to case depending on a multitude of factors, above all including the particular industries and geographical regions involved.

Thus, while it would be hard to argue against any additive manufacturing (AM) company developing a long-term business strategy around the growth potential of net-zero energy solutions, the specificities of any such strategy are going to be what makes it or breaks it. Not all AM platforms will be optimal for all industries within the energy sector, or at least, one company’s platform likely can’t be the best option for every energy source. PRO logo

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