Stifel’s Global Technology Investment Banking: Never Been a Better Time to Be in 3D Printing
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The 3D printing industry is currently undergoing another growth spurt. Though it bears some resemblance to the stock boom that occurred circa 2013-2014, the technology and the market are much more mature, according to Stephen Butkow and Bryan Dow, Managing Directors in Stifel’s Global Technology Investment Banking Group. In 2021, Stifel has been involved in nine major deals, with nearly 30 deals in advanced manufacturing over the last decade. 2021 deals include Shapeways’ upcoming SPAC merger, the sale of 3D Hubs to ProtoLabs, and advising the buyer on the acquisition of 3D Systems’ On-Demand business, QuickParts plus raising equity capital for Exone, Stratasys, and most recently Materalise.
With some 20 years in banking and almost a decade covering the sector, Butkow and Dow have been able to participate in and witness some significant changes in the industry, including who is generating most of the major deals and IPOs.
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