How Will 3D Printing Fit into Biden’s $1.8T Infrastructure Plan
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At the start of his presidency, Joe Biden presented the Build Back Better plan, calling on over $2 trillion spending to revitalize U.S. infrastructure over the next eight years. Aspects of the plan call for more renewable energy; improving roads, bridges, railways; rebuilding water infrastructure; as well as enhancing education, medical care, and manufacturing.
Given Barack Obama’s role in funneling money into advanced manufacturing and regularly promoting the interests of those in 3D printing specifically, there is a good chance that Biden, too, will direct attention to our sector. Dedicating funds for this technology as a means of re-shoring production, as Obama did, would certainly be an obvious method for incorporating additive manufacturing (AM) into the infrastructure plan. However, given the extent to which AM has grown since Obama was in office, there are myriad new ways that the technology could be utilized, from rebuilding roads to the production of batteries for electric vehicles. In this PRO article, we’ll look at some of the possibilities.
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