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AnyPrint Launches Contest to 3D Print Life-Size Wax Girlfriend for Cristiano Ronaldo

Soccer fever is about to reach a high as the World Cup final is scheduled for Sunday the 13th. In the meantime, the players of teams which didn’t make it this far are no different then the rest of us, fans. This includes ron-1Portuguese star forward Cristiano Ronaldo, whose team was eliminated after playing their last game against Ghana on June 26th. While Ronaldo no longer has a shot at winning the Cup until 2018, he certainly has a lot to love about life.

Not only does the 29 year old star make over $70 million annually in salary and endorsements, but just about every single woman in Portugal, and the rest of the world for that matter, lusts after him. This hasn’t stopped one Chinese company, Anyprint, a subsidiary of Qingdao Unique Products Develop Co.,Ltd, from launching a contest which is certainly a bit out of the ordinary. Remember Anyprint is the company behind the two meter tall wax 3D printer we discussed in an article yesterday.

Anyprint has recently launched the ‘Miss World Cup’ competition. The idea of the contest is for women to submit their photos to the site. Visitors of the site then have the ability to ‘like’ any number of the participants, who they feel would make the best girlfriend for Cristiano Ronaldo, based solely on the photos provided. Here’s the crazy part; the top 3 participants will receive a life-sized 3D printed wax statue of themselves, and another life-sized statue of Cristiano Ronaldo, as well as cash.

The following are the prizes which will be awarded to the top vote-getters (note that 1000 Chinese yuan is equal to approximately $160):

The first round of the contest will run from now until August 8th, at which time the final round will begin, and last until September 9th.  Everyone is welcomed to participate.  Have you entered this somewhat odd competition?  What do you think about the 1:1 3D wax printer which Qingdao Unique Products Develop Co.,Ltd has developed?  Let us know in the Cristiano Ronaldo 3D printed girlfriend forum thread on 3DPB.com. The official contest page can be found here.


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