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Sneak Peek at New Matter’s 3D Printing Store as Printers Begin Shipping

New Matter is already used to making a big splash when they arrive on the scene–and deservedly so–noted as we reported last year regarding the MOD-t 3D printer on Indiegogo–the golden child of crowdfunding campaigns. New Matter states it is the 3D printer for everyone–and apparently just about ‘everyone’ agreed. They went well above their goal of $385,000 to finish up at nearly $684,000–and we followed along as they went on to raise an even more impressive sum of $6.5 million in Series A funding from multiple well-known investors.

There’s not room for everyone at the top though, even in a new industry. It takes continued momentum to stay on that plane, riding the crest of that initial success while maintaining reality with structured goals, and staying in touch with the constantly evolving needs of their customer base. New Matter is certainly doing just that as they get ready to launch the New Matter Store, in beta testing now as they mold it into a seamless process, free of hassle, for their members.  Additionally the very first units of their printer have begun shipping to over 2,500 Indiegogo backers today.

The New Matter Store, along with everything to do with the MOD-t 3D printer, is an obvious demonstration of obeying the ‘know thy customer’ rule. While 3D printing is a very rewarding–and often very fun–process, there’s nothing worse than working on something from the concept phase to taking it to fruition and then having the print fail, or finding out a file you were all hyped up about 3D printing won’t work with your equipment. Staving off any disappointments that could befall their users, the New Matter Store offers not only everything related to the MOD-t, but also ensures that their customers can purchase tested content that has been proven to work on that particular 3D printer.

With the immediate popularity of their 3D printer and brand, it makes sense to create an online world for their users to delve into. The New Matter Store will offer content, accessories, filament, and more. Those browsing can look forward to pages that are well laid out with clear descriptions, printing details, and links to other designs that may offer similar interest.

The New Matter Store 3D Viewer

One of the features they’ve had in development for their marketplace is a way for users to thoroughly preview designs before they buy.

“Our team has been working hard to perfect the look and feel of our unique 3D viewer,” New Matter told 3DPrint.com. “Users will be able to view the 3D design in this space before committing to purchase. This tool will be useful for shopping for designs within the New Matter Store.”

Expect to hear a lot more about this upcoming development this week as New Matter attends CE Week 2015 in New York, discussing the New Matter Store at the largest technology show NYC offers, with thousands in attendance checking out the latest high-tech trends.

With one of the most authentic approaches yet in terms of making 3D printing really accessible to everyone, the New Matter Store should prove to be a bustling community while everyone as a whole reaps the rewards of exploring the innovation and dedication emanating from New Matter. They are an inspiring new company already being duly rewarded for their creativity and commitment–along with bravely journeying outside the already growing traditional structure of the fledgling 3D printing industry to bring the world their innovations.

Will you be looking forward to checking out the New Matter Store? What do you look for in a 3D printing marketplace and community? Share your thoughts with us in The New Matter Store forum thread over at 3DPB.com.


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