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Bold Machines Releases Files for 3D Printable Scooter and Sidecar From Future Film ‘Margo’

mar4Another week, another awesome model presented to us all for free by Bre Pettis and Bold Machines. If you have not been following Bold Machines’ first project, in which they are slowly building a story line and introducing characters for a future feature film called ‘Margo’, then maybe it’s time you start, especially if you like larger 3D printing projects.

Last week the team behind the new Stratatsys initiative released the 3D printed files for Margo’s dog named Eddie. In what was the third main character of the ‘Margo’ story, Eddie was able to be printed out on a MakerBot Replicator Z18 machine. Yesterday, Bold Machines released the files for, what I think may be the most impressive model yet, Margo’s scooter and attached sidecar, specially designed so that Eddie can travel along with his beloved owner.

The vehicle is actually quite large for being fabricated on a desktop 3D printer, especially the scaled up model which Bold Machines has produced via a network of 10 Makerbot Replicator Z18 printers. However, that’s because it needs to be printed in numerous pieces, 35 to be exact. As you can see in the images provided, the vehicle could probably fit a small child rather comfortably. The model can be printed on almost any decent sized 3D printer as a smaller version, and in fact has already been download over 300 times.

As for the story line snippet which goes along with this new model, Bold machines added the following:

Margo’s parents are missing on a space exploration mission and she’s gotten access to their laboratory filled with all the technology needed to make anything. Her dog, Eddie, has discovered his own jetpack in the laboratory. Margo is suspicious of Mr. Walthersnap and after doing some tests, she’s found out about Mr. Walthersnap’s ability to manipulate people with smell.

Margo lives in Brooklyn and she’s going to have to solve this mystery and get to the bottom of Mr. Walthersnap’s manipulative smells. To get around Brooklyn, she’s got her own supercharged scooter with a sidecar for Eddie.

Just like last week, until the end of October, those wishing to purchase a Replicator Z18 machine can do so at a 10% discount, using a special coupon code made available for this Bold Machines initiative, “TENOFFZ18”.

For those of you interested in downloading and printing out the 35 pieces required for assembly, the files are all located at Thingiverse, and can be downloaded immediately, free of charge. Just make sure that if you do end up constructing this rather complicated scooter and sidecar, that you post some pictures within the Bold Machines forum thread on 3DPB.com.

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