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Join the rigid.ink Club and Receive Assortments of Fun Filaments Every Month!

There are very few things that don’t come in a subscription box anymore. You can sign up for monthly assortments of makeup, cat toys, dog toys, wine, nerdy trinkets, snacks, and more. There are even a few 3D printing-related subscription boxes out there – and now there’s one more. The rigid.ink Club is the latest subscription service to get the attention of 3D printing enthusiasts, and it’s a useful one – monthly shipments of assorted 3D printer filament for only £15 per month.

In the 3D printing industry, a lot of companies are formed by makers who get so frustrated with the products on the market that they decide to create their own – and often end up with a pretty successful business as a result. Such was the case with rigid.ink, formed by a group of young people who got fed up with the lack of quality in much of the filament out there. In 2014, they started their own company, and made sure it was done right, investing in high-quality equipment and raw materials to manufacture a line of filament that they confidently state is the best out there.

It would seem that their customers agree, as rigid.ink is currently the highest rated filament supplier on Amazon UK. Customer service is a big part of their successful business plan as well; the team understands the frustration of shelling out money for an entire kilogram of filament only to decide that you hate it, so they offer 10m and 5m sample packs of all of their filaments so you can try them out without wasting money or material.

In the short time they’ve been in business, rigid.ink has developed an impressively large variety of filaments, from standard PLA and ABS to several specialty offerings, with a larger range of colors than you’ll typically find with most filament suppliers. Want to try them all? That’s where the rigid.ink Club comes in. For £15 a month, subscribers will receive a monthly assortment of five filament samples in random colors; you can choose from PLA, ABS or a mix.

Shipping is free, and each box contains a voucher for free shipping on your next regular order from the company, should you choose to place one. Certain boxes will contain a “golden ticket,” which can be redeemed for T-shirts, discounts, or other prizes. Additionally, members can opt to become beta testers and receive rigid.ink’s newest filaments to try out before their general release.

And because everyone loves prizes, you can also take advantage of additional opportunities to win stuff by taking pictures of your 3D printed creations made using rigid.ink, posting them on Instragram or Twitter, and tagging @RigidInk (Twitter) or @rigid.ink (Instagram). You can win free 3D printing pens, 1kg spools of filament, Amazon gift cards, and more. You don’t have to be a rigid.ink Club member to win; you just need to have printed something with rigid.ink filament at one point or another – though originality and creativity will get you major points.

Right now, only UK residents can sign up for the rigid.ink Club, but if the initiative is successful, I wouldn’t be surprised if the offer opens up to other areas before too long. You can learn more and sign up here. Is this a subscription that interests you? Discuss further over in the rigid.ink 3D Printing Filament Subscription forum at 3DPB.com.

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