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NecroVirus: A 3D Printable Board Game on Kickstarter

b18532c740da725c925222db98388db6_originalA team of developers from BoardCraft, led by Todd Porter and Jim Galis, have worked with game industry notables such as EA, Atari, Sega, Microsoft, Epic and Ion Storm, and they’re now rolling out their NecroVirus, a competitive board game made up of components which can be printed out via 3D, ink jet, or laser printers.

They say NecroVirus is “a gritty, zombie-themed tabletop game that is played using expandable base game boards that link together with 2D or 3D game pieces.”

The various elements of the game such as rules, cards and game pieces are customizable in multiple ways.

The company says their Kickstarter campaign will allow backers to 3D or 2D print parts with their own printers or at a local maker studio.

“BoardCraft is a powerful sandbox portal that lets you drag and drop your way to creating your own games, pieces, buildings, and terrain,” they say on the campaign page. “Because BoardCraft is a standardized system, creators can be assured that the pieces, artwork, chits, and miniatures will all fit together and will have certified compatibility with 2D and 3D printers.”

BoardCraft’s system is “plug-and-play,” and every model being built for the game will work with what they call the “SecureConnect board.” By placing 6″x6″ boards together to set the game board size, players can build square or rectangular boards to add buildings and road tiles to create “a truly immersive zombie apocalypse game.”

NecroVirus is the company’s flagship game, and the first BoardCraft compatible game. They note that game play involves 2-4 players attempting to lead a small band of survivors across a post-apocalyptic landscape, competing against other players to survive and complete a mission. NecroVirus “encourages careful strategic planning, stealth, and resource management, as any wrong move can mean infection and a living death for your survivors.”

The base game itself comes with beautiful full color 2D building tiles and counters and 3D road tiles and figurines. The Game Board includes 16 plastic BoardCraft SecureConnect Tiles, 16 Plastic BoardCraft SecureConnect strips, 18 Cardboard Building Tiles, 20 Plastic Road Scrounge Tiles, 80 Plastic Road Clear Tiles and 3 Plastic Mission Tiles, also requiring Markers, Chits, Miniatures, Decks and Dice. The 3D version of NecroVirus – the same core game but upgraded for a premium and immersive experience – substitutes full 3D plastic buildings for the 2D flat building interior pieces that come in the core game. The 3D printed buildings can be ordered in full color sandstone and NecroVirus is also available in a version that can be printed on a 3D printer.

A Kickstarter commitment of $50 nets the 3D PRINT TIER, which provides access to BoardCraft software, NecroVirus BoardCraft certified printable digital assets for the 2D version of the game in PNG files, and NecroVirus BoardCraft certified printable assets for the 3D version of the game in STL files. Those files include models of all the 3D buildings, zombies, survivors, vehicles, counters, roads, road obstruction tiles and counters. For a commitment of $1,750, backers will receive a everything from the Custom Game Tier Three, and in addition, each one of the 3D building models is “painstakingly hand painted in full color.” Backing levels go up all the way to the $10,000 developer tier, and add-ons are optional at any reward.

The Kickstarter campaign has a $100K goal and will run through August 25th. You can check out the Kickstarter campaign for NecroVirus here.

Will you back the Kickstarter campaign for this 3D printable board game? Let us know in the NecroVirus 3D Printed Board Game forum thread on 3DPB.com. Check out the Kickstarter campaign video below.



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