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3D Printed Personalized ‘Action Me’ Figurines: Your Chance to Play Action Hero

logo (1)Did you dream of being a heroic action figure as a child, saving the day and rescuing the world? Did you imagine yourself as the beautiful bride or the dashing groom?

With all the 3D scanning and 3D printed figurine offerings in the contemporary marketplace, we knew it wouldn’t be too long before something a bit more advanced and detailed would arrive on the scene to compete and replace their more rudimentary counterparts. It was just a matter of what, by whom, and when.

The ‘what’ comes in the form of fully detailed and “articulated” Action Me 3D printed figures, the subject of a new Kickstarter campaign. Much more than just a 3D printed likeness stuck on a bobblehead as a novelty, this is like the Barbie and Ken equivalent of personalized, futuristic 3D printed figures for all age ranges—in the name of fun, the possibility for preserving many different memories, as well as great play items—and mementos–for kids.

Not only can you have a 3D printed figurine made bearing your face or that of a friend of loved one, but the Action Me figurines come with a whole range of accessories, including bridal wear, suits, ties—and even your resident tough guy brandishing a 3D printed pistol, which is certainly fitting these days too.

‘Candy Girl’ and ‘Surfer Boy’

Gone are the days of a dusty wedding picture sitting up on a shelf in your office—now you can have a tangible 3D printed replica to hold in your hand, should you be having a sentimental moment, remembering your special day—or you can delve into the world of action characters—featuring yourself. The Action Me figurines come complete with a variety of costume packages, allowing you to play the dashing hero, lovely maiden, or even a totally decked out punk rock chick who comes with her own wardrobe.

With 30 articulated joints in each figure, the Action Me figures are as realistic as you could hope to get with anatomy and mobility in a figurine. One can be sitting Indian style, practicing yoga, or even be down on one knee in a romantic gesture of proposal. They also offer basic desktop models like the depicted ‘Candy Girl’ and ‘Surfer Boy,’ as well as resin-based busts for a great display anywhere, not to mention a helluva gift.

The figures are also a fun idea for kids, for use in imaginary play. You can also bring sports moments to life for kids and adults, as trophies, boosting confidence and reminding them of achievements. 3D models can also be created for kids in 3D imaginary play to help them grow, face fears and insecurities—and let’s face it—just continue to have lots of fun through the use of new technology they are bound to think is pretty darned cool.

In a Kickstarter campaign hoping to raise £5,000 goal by May 7th, the Action Me figures are the creation of 3D for US, a company founded in 2013, sprouted from the Innovation Center of the University of Exeter with the concept of using 3D printing technology to render individual features onto finely crafted 3D models. Aside from custom 3D printed action models, they also convert images of pets, cartoons and toys into 3D printed models, as well as offering 3D marketing and personal design.

With the Action Me process, both the customer and the team at 3D for US work together. Two reasonably good images must be provided by the user to pave the way for 3D for US designers to create the personalized look of the 3D printed models, and they offer guidelines so that users can contribute the best images possible—a crucial beginning point.

“Our artists then use artistic expertise to add the finest details to your 3D-model, making them as accurate as possible. The 3D preview process offered guarantees your satisfaction with your model before it is 3D printed,” states the team on Kickstarter.

The designers use the ProJet 660 from 3DS, which has been responsible for producing the amazing personalized head sculptures. The 3D models are made of ‘full color sandstone,’ as the designers found that was the best material for offering the personalized, detailed images in 3D. The bodies themselves are resin-based.

And when can you get yours? Once you’ve made a pledge, your Action Me figure is in the works, depending on what you’ve chosen. With a lower pledge of only Pledge £40, supporters receive desktop figurines—with only fifteen available to the public and some gone already. For £65 or more, 15 early birds receive an Action Me figurine with the standard clothing package. At £85 or more, 50 supporters will receive the Action Me figurine with the premier clothing package.

Are you planning to support this Kickstarter campaign? Share with us in the 3D Printed ‘Action Me’ Figurines forum over at 3DPB.com.

(Below is a video of how they take an image from 2D to 3D.)


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